caption: ~TiddlyFox color: #4DB6AC community-author: Jeremy Ruston created: 20131221085742684 delivery: Browser Extension description: Browser extension for older versions of Firefox method: save modified: 20200507105421421 tags: Saving Firefox title: Saving with TiddlyFox type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]]. # Ensure you have a version of Firefox before version 57. ~TiddlyFox will not work with Firefox 57 and on. For Firefox 57 and on, consider using the following instead: <<list-links filter:"[tag[Firefox]delivery[Browser Extension]] -[[Saving with TiddlyFox]]">> # Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from: #* # Restart [[Firefox]] # [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button: #> {{$:/editions/}} # Locate the file you just downloaded #* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension # Open the file in [[Firefox]] #* If you are using TiddlyFox v1.x.x, you will need to click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file #* If you are using TiddlyFox v2.x.x you will need to click on the icon of a kitten standing on a blue globe to activate saving. There is no prompt in v2.0.1. #** For TiddlyFox v2.0.1, you can not be using Private Browsing mode nor can you be using "Never Remember History". # Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' <<.icon $:/core/images/new-button>> button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the <<.icon $:/core/images/done-button>> ''ok'' button # Save your changes by clicking the <<.icon $:/core/images/save-button-dynamic>> ''save changes'' button in the sidebar #* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window # Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly