created: 20131101111400000 modified: 20150630205715827 tags: Community title: Contributing type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways: * ReportingBugs * Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] * Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|]] ** See for more details There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too. ! Contributor License Agreement {{Contributor License Agreement}} ! How to sign the CLA {{Signing the Contributor License Agreement}} --- //The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".// Remarks ------- **When not owning the copyright in the entire work of authorship** In this case, please clearly state so, since otherwise we assume that you are the legal copyright holder of the contributed work! Please provide links and additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.