/*\ title: $:/core/modules/filters/strings.js type: application/javascript module-type: filteroperator Filter operators for strings. Unary/binary operators work on each item in turn, and return a new item list. Sum/product/maxall/minall operate on the entire list, returning a single item. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.length = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a) {return ["" + ("" + a).length];} ); exports.uppercase = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a) {return [("" + a).toUpperCase()];} ); exports.lowercase = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a) {return [("" + a).toLowerCase()];} ); exports.sentencecase = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a) {return [$tw.utils.toSentenceCase(a)];} ); exports.titlecase = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a) {return [$tw.utils.toTitleCase(a)];} ); exports.trim = function(source,operator,options) { var result = [], suffix = operator.suffix || "", operand = (operator.operand || ""), fnCalc; if(suffix === "prefix") { fnCalc = function(a,b) {return [$tw.utils.trimPrefix(a,b)];} } else if(suffix === "suffix") { fnCalc = function(a,b) {return [$tw.utils.trimSuffix(a,b)];} } else { if(operand === "") { fnCalc = function(a) {return [$tw.utils.trim(a)];} } else { fnCalc = function(a,b) {return [$tw.utils.trimSuffix($tw.utils.trimPrefix(a,b),b)];} } } source(function(tiddler,title) { Array.prototype.push.apply(result,fnCalc(title,operand)); }); return result; }; exports.split = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a,b) {return ("" + a).split(b);} ); exports["enlist-input"] = makeStringBinaryOperator( function(a,o,s) {return $tw.utils.parseStringArray("" + a,(s === "raw"));} ); exports.join = makeStringReducingOperator( function(accumulator,value,operand) { if(accumulator === null) { return value; } else { return accumulator + operand + value; } },null ); function makeStringBinaryOperator(fnCalc) { return function(source,operator,options) { var result = []; source(function(tiddler,title) { Array.prototype.push.apply(result,fnCalc(title,operator.operand || "",operator.suffix || "")); }); return result; }; } function makeStringReducingOperator(fnCalc,initialValue) { return function(source,operator,options) { var result = []; source(function(tiddler,title) { result.push(title); }); if(result.length === 0) { return []; } return [result.reduce(function(accumulator,currentValue) { return fnCalc(accumulator,currentValue,operator.operand || ""); },initialValue) || ""]; }; } exports.splitregexp = function(source,operator,options) { var result = [], suffix = operator.suffix || "", flags = (suffix.indexOf("m") !== -1 ? "m" : "") + (suffix.indexOf("i") !== -1 ? "i" : ""), regExp; try { regExp = new RegExp(operator.operand || "",flags); } catch(ex) { return ["RegExp error: " + ex]; } source(function(tiddler,title) { Array.prototype.push.apply(result,title.split(regExp)); }); return result; }; exports["search-replace"] = function(source,operator,options) { var results = [], suffixes = operator.suffixes || [], flagSuffix = (suffixes[0] ? (suffixes[0][0] || "") : ""), flags = (flagSuffix.indexOf("g") !== -1 ? "g" : "") + (flagSuffix.indexOf("i") !== -1 ? "i" : ""), isRegExp = (suffixes[1] && suffixes[1][0] === "regexp") ? true : false, searchTerm, regExp; source(function(tiddler,title) { if(title && (operator.operands.length > 1)) { //Escape regexp characters if the operand is not a regular expression searchTerm = isRegExp ? operator.operand : $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(operator.operand); try { regExp = new RegExp(searchTerm,flags); } catch(ex) { return ["RegExp error: " + ex]; } results.push( title.replace(regExp,operator.operands[1]) ); } else { results.push(title); } }); return results; }; exports.pad = function(source,operator,options) { var results = [], targetLength = operator.operand ? parseInt(operator.operand) : 0, fill = operator.operands[1] || "0"; source(function(tiddler,title) { if(title && title.length) { if(title.length >= targetLength) { results.push(title); } else { var padString = "", padStringLength = targetLength - title.length; while (padStringLength > padString.length) { padString += fill; } //make sure we do not exceed the specified length padString = padString.slice(0,padStringLength); if(operator.suffix && (operator.suffix === "suffix")) { title = title + padString; } else { title = padString + title; } results.push(title); } } }); return results; } })();