/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-storage/startup.js type: application/javascript module-type: startup Startup initialisation \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; // Export name and synchronous status exports.name = "browser-storage"; exports.platforms = ["browser"]; exports.after = ["load-modules"]; exports.synchronous = true; var SAVE_FILTER_TITLE = "$:/config/BrowserStorage/SaveFilter" exports.startup = function() { var self = this; // Compute our prefix for local storage keys var url = window.location.protocol === "file:" ? window.location.pathname : "", prefix = "tw5#" + url + "#"; // Make a logger var logger = new $tw.utils.Logger("browser-storage",{ colour: "cyan" }); // Function to compile the filter var filterFn, compileFilter = function() { filterFn = $tw.wiki.compileFilter($tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(SAVE_FILTER_TITLE)); } compileFilter(); // Track tiddler changes $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",function(changes) { // Recompile the filter if it has changed if(changes[SAVE_FILTER_TITLE]) { compileFilter(); } // Filter the changes var filteredChanges = filterFn.call($tw.wiki,function(iterator) { $tw.utils.each(changes,function(change,title) { var tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title); iterator(tiddler,title); }); }); console.log("Filtered changes",filteredChanges) $tw.utils.each(filteredChanges,function(title) { // Get the tiddler var tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title); if(tiddler) { // Get the JSON of the tiddler var json = JSON.stringify(tiddler.getFieldStrings()); // Try to save it to local storage try { window.localStorage.setItem(prefix + title,json); } catch(e) { if(e.name === "QuotaExceededError") { // Complain if we failed logger.alert("Quota exceeded trying to store '" + title + "' in browser local storage"); // No point in keeping old values around for this tiddler window.localStorage.removeItem(prefix + title); } else { throw e; } } console.log("browser-storage: Saving",title); } else { window.localStorage.removeItem(prefix + title); console.log("browser-storage: Deleting",title); } }); }); }; })();