caption: 5.1.4
created: 20141022155524581
modified: 20141022155524581
tags: ReleaseNotes
title: Release 5.1.4
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
released: 20141022155524581

//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]//

This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].

!! Usability Improvements

* [[Added|]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)

!! Hackability Improvements

* [[Added|]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers

!! Bug Fixes

* [[Fixed|]] problem with search counts

!! Node.js Changes

//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//

* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|]] and [[re-implementing|]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js

!! Contributors

[[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

* [[@danielo515|]]
* [[@gernert|]]