created: 20200131150229551 modified: 20211113011129601 tags: ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Widgets title: ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 4 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki \define testCreate() <$action-createtiddler $basetitle="base" $template="ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template" aa="new field aa" bb="new field bb" /> \end This example uses a base-title "base" and a template: [[ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template]]. There will be new fields "aa" and "bb" which are added to the new tiddlers. ``` \define testCreate() <$action-createtiddler $basetitle="base" $template="ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template" aa="new field aa" bb="new field bb" /> \end <$button actions=<> > Create Tiddler ``` <$button actions=<> > <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856" text="$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent"/> Create Tiddler - Clicking this button will also open the Right sidebar: Recent tab