title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight-legacy/usage ! Usage Syntax highlighting is triggered when you add language information to code blocks defined with triple backticks or with the `<$codeblock>` widget. For fenced code blocks, specify the code's language immediately after the first set of backticks: ``` ```js var a = b + c; // Highlighted as JavaScript ``` ``` ! Adding Themes You can add themes from highlight.js by copying the CSS to a new tiddler and tagging it with [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]. The available themes can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles ! Supporting Additional Languages The [[highlight.js|https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js]] project supports many languages. Only a subset of these languages are supported by the plugin. It is possible for users to change the set of languages supported by the plugin by following these steps: (Requires ~TiddlyWiki on Node.js) # Go to the highlight.js project [[download page|https://highlightjs.org/download/]], select the language definitions to include, and press the Download button to download a zip archive containing customised support files for a highlight.js syntax highlighting server. # Locate the `highlight.pack.js` file in the highlight plugin -- on a stock Debian 8 system running Tiddlywiki5 under node-js, it is in `/usr/local/lib/node_modules/tiddlywiki/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/files/`. # Replace the plugin `highlight.pack.js` file located in step 2 with the one from the downloaded archive obtained in step 1. # Restart the ~TiddlyWiki server.