created: 20160424150551727 modified: 20181106224128548 tags: [[Customise TiddlyWiki]] title: Adding a table of contents to the sidebar type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The standard mechanisms in ~TiddlyWiki for creating Table-of-Contents are macros known collectively as "toc" [[macros|Macros]] (click on link to learn more about macros). They use `Tagging` as their means of creating relationships, so be sure to review the [[Tagging]] topic tiddler if tagging is a new concept for you. A customisable [[table of contents|Table-of-Contents Macros]] can be added to the sidebar with the following steps: # Create a tiddler called [[TableOfContents]] # Give it the tag ''~$:/tags/SideBar'' # Set the text to
<$text text="""
# Add a ''caption'' field with the text ''Contents'' # Add a ''list-after'' field with the text ''~$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open'' Add entries to the table of contents by creating tiddlers tagged ''~TableOfContents''. An easy way is to choose {{$:/core/images/new-here-button}} ''new here'' from the tiddler toolbar of the ''~TableOfContents'' tiddler. (if you don't see the "new here" button, click on the down arrow {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} to see more menu options.) To create child tiddlers (tiddlers that come below other tiddlers), tag them with the name of the parent tiddler.