created: 20180626122427188 modified: 20180626134639673 tags: [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] title: NamedCommandParameters type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.1.18">> Most TiddlyWiki [[Commands]] use a position-based system for their parameters where each parameter must be listed in the precise order defined by the command. Some of the more complex commands offer an alternative scheme of named command parameters. For example, here we provide two parameters named "port" and "host": ``` --listen port=8090 host= ``` Note that the order of the parameters does not matter. Using special characters within a parameter requires quoting. Unix, Linux and the Mac use single quotes, and Windows uses double quotes: ``` --listen port=8090 username=joe 'password=s3cret(!' --listen port=8090 username=joe "password=s3cret(!" ``` Note that the quotes are applied to the entire name=value pair, not just to the value part.