/* Recipe files consist of recipe lines consisting of a marker, a colon and the pathname of an ingredient: marker: pathname The pathname is interpreted relative to the directory containing the recipe file. The special marker "recipe" is used to load a sub-recipe file. The special marker "template" is used to identify the HTML template. The HTML template contains markers in two different forms: <!--@@marker@@--> Recipe processing is in two parts. First the recipe file is parsed and the referenced files are loaded into tiddlers. Second, the template is processed by replacing the markers with the text of the tiddlers indicated in the recipe file. The recipe is parsed into the 'ingredients' hashmap like this: this.ingredients = { "marker1": [Tiddler1,Tiddler2,Tiddler3,...], "marker2": [TiddlerA,TiddlerB,TiddlerC,...], .... }; */ var tiddler = require("./Tiddler.js"), tiddlerUtils = require("./TiddlerUtils.js"), tiddlywiki = require("./TiddlyWiki.js"), fs = require("fs"), path = require("path"), util = require("util"); // Create a new Recipe object from the specified recipe file, storing the tiddlers in a specified TiddlyWiki store var Recipe = function(store,filepath) { this.store = store; // Save a reference to the store this.ingredients = {}; // Hashmap of array of ingredients this.readRecipe(filepath); // Read the recipe file } // Specialised configuration and handlers for particular ingredient markers var specialMarkers = { shadow: { readIngredientPostProcess: function(fields) { // Add ".shadow" to the name of shadow tiddlers fields.title = fields.title + ".shadow"; return fields; } } }; // Process the contents of a recipe file Recipe.prototype.readRecipe = function(filepath) { var dirname = path.dirname(filepath), me = this; fs.readFileSync(filepath,"utf8").split("\n").forEach(function(line) { var p = line.indexOf(":"); if(p !== -1) { var marker = line.substr(0, p).trim(), value = line.substr(p+1).trim(); if(marker === "recipe") { me.readRecipe(path.resolve(dirname,value)); } else { var fields = me.readIngredient(dirname,value), postProcess = me.readIngredientPostProcess[marker]; if(postProcess) fields = postProcess(fields); me.addIngredient(marker,fields); } } }); } // Special post-processing required for certain ingredient types Recipe.prototype.readIngredientPostProcess = { "shadow": function(fields) { // Add ".shadow" to the name of shadow tiddlers fields.title = fields.title + ".shadow"; return fields; } }; Recipe.prototype.addIngredient = function(marker,tiddlerFields) { var ingredientTiddler = new tiddler.Tiddler(tiddlerFields); this.store.addTiddler(ingredientTiddler); if(marker in this.ingredients) { this.ingredients[marker].push(ingredientTiddler); } else { this.ingredients[marker] = [ingredientTiddler]; } } // Read an ingredient file and return it as a hashmap of tiddler fields. Also read the .meta file, if present Recipe.prototype.readIngredient = function(dirname,filepath) { var fullpath = path.resolve(dirname,filepath), extname = path.extname(filepath), basename = path.basename(filepath,extname), fields = { title: basename }; // Read the tiddler file fields = tiddlerUtils.parseTiddler(fs.readFileSync(fullpath,"utf8"),extname,fields); // Check for the .meta file var metafile = fullpath + ".meta"; if(path.existsSync(metafile)) { fields = tiddlerUtils.parseMetaDataBlock(fs.readFileSync(metafile,"utf8"),fields); } return fields; } // Return a string of the cooked recipe Recipe.prototype.cook = function() { var template = this.ingredients.template ? this.ingredients.template[0].fields.text : ""; var out = []; var me = this; template.split("\n").forEach(function(line) { var templateRegExp = /^(?:)|(?:<!--@@(.*)@@-->)$/gi; var match = templateRegExp.exec(line); if(match) { var marker = match[1] === undefined ? match[2] : match[1]; me.outputIngredient(out,marker); } else { out.push(line); } }); // out.push("\nRecipe:\n" + util.inspect(this.ingredients,false,4)); return out.join("\n"); } // Output all the tiddlers in the recipe with a particular marker Recipe.prototype.outputIngredient = function(out,marker) { var ingredient = this.ingredients[marker]; var outputType = Recipe.ingredientOutputMapper[marker] || "raw"; var outputter = Recipe.ingredientOutputter[outputType]; if(outputter && ingredient) { outputter(out,ingredient); } } // Allows for specialised processing for certain markers Recipe.ingredientOutputMapper = { tiddler: "div", js: "javascript", jsdeprecated: "javascript", jquery: "javascript", shadow: "shadow" }; Recipe.ingredientOutputter = { raw: function(out,ingredient) { // The default is just to output the raw text of the tiddler, ignoring any metadata for(var t=0; t for(var t=0; t with the the ".shadow" suffix removed from the title for(var t=0; t