title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/usage
! Plugin Configuration
|!Config |!Default |!Description |
| [[breaks|$:/config/markdown/breaks]]
| ``false``|Remarkable library config: Convert '\n' in paragraphs into ``
`` |
| [[linkify|$:/config/markdown/linkify]]
| ``false``|Remarkable library config: Autoconvert URL-like text to links |
| [[linkNewWindow|$:/config/markdown/linkNewWindow]]
| ``true``|For external links, should clicking on them open a new window/tab automatically? |
| [[quotes|$:/config/markdown/quotes]]
| ``“”‘’``|Remarkable library config: Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when ``typographer`` enabled |
| [[renderWikiText|$:/config/markdown/renderWikiText]]
| ``true``|After Markdown is parsed, should any text elements be handed off to the ~WikiText parser for further processing? |
| [[renderWikiTextPragma|$:/config/markdown/renderWikiTextPragma]]
| ``\rules only html image macrocallinline syslink transcludeinline wikilink filteredtranscludeblock macrocallblock transcludeblock``|When handing off to the ~WikiText parser, what pragma rules should it follow? |
| [[typographer|$:/config/markdown/typographer]]
| ``false``|Remarkable library config: Enable some language-neutral replacement + quotes beautification |
! Creating ~WikiLinks
Create wiki links with the usual Markdown link syntax targeting `#` and the target tiddler title:
[link text](#TiddlerTitle)
If the target tiddler has a space in its name, that name must be URL-escaped to be detected as a URL:
[link text](#Test%20Tiddler)
! Images
Markdown image syntax can be used to reference images by tiddler title or an external URI. For example:
