title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/geospatial/docs/geonearestpoint caption: geonearestpoint operator tags: $:/tags/GeospatialDocs !! `geonearestpoint` operator The `geonearestpoint` operator determines the point in a list that is nearest to a target point. Each input list item is interpreted as a [[GeoJSON Point Feature]] comprising the candidate points. The target point is specified as the first operand in [[GeoJSON Point Feature]] format. ``` <$let oxford={{{ [geopoint[51.751944],[-1.257778]jsonset[id],[Oxford]] }}} winchester={{{ [geopoint[51.0632],[-1.308]jsonset[id],[Winchester]] }}} new-york={{{ [geopoint[40.730610],[-73.935242]jsonset[id],[New York]] }}} > <$text text={{{ =[] =[] +[geonearestpointjsonget[id]] }}}/>, <$text text={{{ =[] =[[Not a point]] +[geonearestpointjsonget[id]] }}}/>, <$text text={{{ =[[Not a point]] +[geonearestpointjsonget[id]] }}}/> ```