created: 20131101111400000 modified: 20190115165616599 tags: Community title: Contributing type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways: * ReportingBugs * Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] * Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|]] ** See for more details There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too. ! Contributor License Agreement {{Contributor License Agreement}} ! How to sign the CLA {{Signing the Contributor License Agreement}} --- //The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".// !! Remarks ''If you do not own the copyright in the entire work of authorship'': In this case, please clearly state so and provide links and any additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.