created: 20140710183759647 description: After the microkernel has been explained this section focuses on the core plug-in. It describes the central modules of the core and explains how they work together to build a single file application. modified: 20140717203802364 sectionnumber: 3 tags: doc new section title: TiddlyWiki Core Application The microkernel builds up the base functionality to manage tiddlers by providing a basic wiki store and a barebone tiddler model. The microkernel can also load a set of (decrypted) tiddlers and provides a module system, enabling a developer to extend the kernel and add functionality with module tiddlers and plug-ins. For instance, the TiddlyWiki Core Application is provided as a single plug-in. In this part we want to focus on the TiddlyWiki core plug-in. After describing how new functionality is added directly to the wiki store, we show how the core plug-in realises persistence of tiddlers. The last part describes how TiddlyWiki builds an UI out of tiddlers and WikiText. <<< {{arch.svg}} <<< The TiddlyWiki Application consists of a microkernel and several modules building up the full application. <$list filter="[!has[draft.of]has[chapter.of]chapter.of[TiddlyWiki Core Application]tag[doc]sort[sub.num]]"> ! <$view field="title"/> {{!!text}}