/*\ title: $:/core/modules/commands/savewikifolder.js type: application/javascript module-type: command Command to save the current wiki as a wiki folder --savewikifolder [ [=] ]* The following options are supported: * ''filter'': a filter expression defining the tiddlers to be included in the output * ''explodePlugins'': set to "no" to suppress exploding plugins into their constituent shadow tiddlers (defaults to "yes") Supports backward compatibility with --savewikifolder [] [ [=] ]* \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.info = { name: "savewikifolder", synchronous: true }; var fs,path; if($tw.node) { fs = require("fs"); path = require("path"); } var Command = function(params,commander,callback) { this.params = params; this.commander = commander; this.callback = callback; }; Command.prototype.execute = function() { if(this.params.length < 1) { return "Missing wiki folder path"; } var regFilter = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+=/g, // dynamic parameters namedParames, tiddlerFilter, options = {}; if (regFilter.test(this.params[1])) { namedParames = this.commander.extractNamedParameters(this.params.slice(1)); tiddlerFilter = namedParames.filter || "[all[tiddlers]]"; } else { namedParames = this.commander.extractNamedParameters(this.params.slice(2)); tiddlerFilter = this.params[1]; } tiddlerFilter = tiddlerFilter || "[all[tiddlers]]"; options.explodePlugins = namedParames.explodePlugins || "yes"; var wikifoldermaker = new WikiFolderMaker(this.params[0],tiddlerFilter,this.commander,options); return wikifoldermaker.save(); }; function WikiFolderMaker(wikiFolderPath,wikiFilter,commander,options) { this.wikiFolderPath = wikiFolderPath; this.wikiFilter = wikiFilter; this.commander = commander; this.explodePlugins = options.explodePlugins; this.wiki = commander.wiki; this.savedPaths = []; // So that we can detect filename clashes } WikiFolderMaker.prototype.log = function(str) { if(this.commander.verbose) { console.log(str); } }; WikiFolderMaker.prototype.tiddlersToIgnore = [ "$:/boot/boot.css", "$:/boot/boot.js", "$:/boot/bootprefix.js", "$:/core", "$:/library/sjcl.js", "$:/temp/info-plugin" ]; /* Returns null if successful, or an error string if there was an error */ WikiFolderMaker.prototype.save = function() { var self = this; // Check that the output directory doesn't exist if(fs.existsSync(this.wikiFolderPath) && !$tw.utils.isDirectoryEmpty(this.wikiFolderPath)) { return "The unpackwiki command requires that the output wiki folder be empty"; } // Get the tiddlers from the source wiki var tiddlerTitles = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.wikiFilter); // Initialise a new tiddlwiki.info file var newWikiInfo = {}; // Process each incoming tiddler in turn $tw.utils.each(tiddlerTitles,function(title) { var tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title); if(tiddler) { if(self.tiddlersToIgnore.indexOf(title) !== -1) { // Ignore the core plugin and the ephemeral info plugin self.log("Ignoring tiddler: " + title); } else { var type = tiddler.fields.type, pluginType = tiddler.fields["plugin-type"]; if(type === "application/json" && pluginType) { // Plugin tiddler var libraryDetails = self.findPluginInLibrary(title); if(libraryDetails) { // A plugin from the core library self.log("Adding built-in plugin: " + libraryDetails.name); newWikiInfo[libraryDetails.type] = newWikiInfo[libraryDetails.type] || []; $tw.utils.pushTop(newWikiInfo[libraryDetails.type],libraryDetails.name); } else if(self.explodePlugins !== "no") { // A custom plugin self.log("Processing custom plugin: " + title); self.saveCustomPlugin(tiddler); } else if(self.explodePlugins === "no") { self.log("Processing custom plugin to tiddlders folder: " + title); self.saveTiddler("tiddlers", tiddler); } } else { // Ordinary tiddler self.saveTiddler("tiddlers",tiddler); } } } }); // Save the tiddlywiki.info file this.saveJSONFile("tiddlywiki.info",newWikiInfo); self.log("Writing tiddlywiki.info: " + JSON.stringify(newWikiInfo,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces)); return null; }; /* Test whether the specified tiddler is a plugin in the plugin library */ WikiFolderMaker.prototype.findPluginInLibrary = function(title) { var parts = title.split("/"), pluginPath, type, name; if(parts[0] === "$:") { if(parts[1] === "languages" && parts.length === 3) { pluginPath = "languages" + path.sep + parts[2]; type = parts[1]; name = parts[2]; } else if(parts[1] === "plugins" || parts[1] === "themes" && parts.length === 4) { pluginPath = parts[1] + path.sep + parts[2] + path.sep + parts[3]; type = parts[1]; name = parts[2] + "/" + parts[3]; } } if(pluginPath && type && name) { pluginPath = path.resolve($tw.boot.bootPath,"..",pluginPath); if(fs.existsSync(pluginPath)) { return { pluginPath: pluginPath, type: type, name: name }; } } return false; }; WikiFolderMaker.prototype.saveCustomPlugin = function(pluginTiddler) { var self = this, pluginTitle = pluginTiddler.fields.title, titleParts = pluginTitle.split("/"), directory = $tw.utils.generateTiddlerFilepath(titleParts[titleParts.length - 1],{ directory: path.resolve(this.wikiFolderPath,pluginTiddler.fields["plugin-type"] + "s") }), pluginInfo = pluginTiddler.getFieldStrings({exclude: ["text","type"]}); this.saveJSONFile(directory + path.sep + "plugin.info",pluginInfo); self.log("Writing " + directory + path.sep + "plugin.info: " + JSON.stringify(pluginInfo,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces)); var pluginTiddlers = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(pluginTiddler.fields.text).tiddlers; // A hashmap of tiddlers in the plugin $tw.utils.each(pluginTiddlers,function(tiddler,title) { if(!tiddler.title) { tiddler.title = title; } self.saveTiddler(directory,new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler)); }); }; WikiFolderMaker.prototype.saveTiddler = function(directory,tiddler) { var title = tiddler.fields.title, fileInfo, pathFilters, extFilters; if(this.wiki.tiddlerExists("$:/config/FileSystemPaths")) { pathFilters = this.wiki.getTiddlerText("$:/config/FileSystemPaths","").split("\n"); } if(this.wiki.tiddlerExists("$:/config/FileSystemExtensions")) { extFilters = this.wiki.getTiddlerText("$:/config/FileSystemExtensions","").split("\n"); } var fileInfo = $tw.utils.generateTiddlerFileInfo(tiddler,{ directory: path.resolve(this.wikiFolderPath,directory), pathFilters: pathFilters, extFilters: extFilters, wiki: this.wiki, fileInfo: {} }); try { $tw.utils.saveTiddlerToFileSync(tiddler,fileInfo); } catch (err) { console.log("SaveWikiFolder: Error saving file '" + fileInfo.filepath + "', tiddler: '" + tiddler.fields.title); } }; WikiFolderMaker.prototype.saveJSONFile = function(filename,json) { this.saveTextFile(filename,JSON.stringify(json,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces)); }; WikiFolderMaker.prototype.saveTextFile = function(filename,data) { this.saveFile(filename,"utf8",data); }; WikiFolderMaker.prototype.saveFile = function(filename,encoding,data) { var filepath = path.resolve(this.wikiFolderPath,filename); $tw.utils.createFileDirectories(filepath); fs.writeFileSync(filepath,data,encoding); }; exports.Command = Command; })();