/*\ title: $:/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js type: application/javascript module-type: widget Navigator widget \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var IMPORT_TITLE = "$:/Import"; var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget; var NavigatorWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) { this.initialise(parseTreeNode,options); this.addEventListeners([ {type: "tm-navigate", handler: "handleNavigateEvent"}, {type: "tm-edit-tiddler", handler: "handleEditTiddlerEvent"}, {type: "tm-delete-tiddler", handler: "handleDeleteTiddlerEvent"}, {type: "tm-save-tiddler", handler: "handleSaveTiddlerEvent"}, {type: "tm-cancel-tiddler", handler: "handleCancelTiddlerEvent"}, {type: "tm-close-tiddler", handler: "handleCloseTiddlerEvent"}, {type: "tm-close-all-tiddlers", handler: "handleCloseAllTiddlersEvent"}, {type: "tm-close-other-tiddlers", handler: "handleCloseOtherTiddlersEvent"}, {type: "tm-new-tiddler", handler: "handleNewTiddlerEvent"}, {type: "tm-import-tiddlers", handler: "handleImportTiddlersEvent"}, {type: "tm-perform-import", handler: "handlePerformImportEvent"} ]); }; /* Inherit from the base widget class */ NavigatorWidget.prototype = new Widget(); /* Render this widget into the DOM */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) { this.parentDomNode = parent; this.computeAttributes(); this.execute(); this.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling); }; /* Compute the internal state of the widget */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.execute = function() { // Get our parameters this.storyTitle = this.getAttribute("story"); this.historyTitle = this.getAttribute("history"); // Construct the child widgets this.makeChildWidgets(); }; /* Selectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) { var changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(); if(changedAttributes.story || changedAttributes.history) { this.refreshSelf(); return true; } else { return this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers); } }; NavigatorWidget.prototype.getStoryList = function() { return this.storyTitle ? this.wiki.getTiddlerList(this.storyTitle) : null; }; NavigatorWidget.prototype.saveStoryList = function(storyList) { var storyTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.storyTitle); this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler( {title: this.storyTitle}, storyTiddler, {list: storyList} )); }; NavigatorWidget.prototype.findTitleInStory = function(storyList,title,defaultIndex) { var p = storyList.indexOf(title); return p === -1 ? defaultIndex : p; }; NavigatorWidget.prototype.removeTitleFromStory = function(storyList,title) { var p = storyList.indexOf(title); while(p !== -1) { storyList.splice(p,1); p = storyList.indexOf(title); } }; NavigatorWidget.prototype.replaceFirstTitleInStory = function(storyList,oldTitle,newTitle) { var pos = storyList.indexOf(oldTitle); if(pos !== -1) { storyList[pos] = newTitle; do { pos = storyList.indexOf(oldTitle,pos + 1); if(pos !== -1) { storyList.splice(pos,1); } } while(pos !== -1); } else { storyList.splice(0,0,newTitle); } }; NavigatorWidget.prototype.addToStory = function(title,fromTitle) { var storyList = this.getStoryList(); if(storyList) { // See if the tiddler is already there var slot = this.findTitleInStory(storyList,title,-1); // If not we need to add it if(slot === -1) { // First we try to find the position of the story element we navigated from slot = this.findTitleInStory(storyList,fromTitle,-1) + 1; // Add the tiddler storyList.splice(slot,0,title); // Save the story this.saveStoryList(storyList); } } }; /* Add a new record to the top of the history stack title: a title string or an array of title strings fromPageRect: page coordinates of the origin of the navigation */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.addToHistory = function(title,fromPageRect) { this.wiki.addToHistory(title,fromPageRect,this.historyTitle); }; /* Handle a tm-navigate event */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleNavigateEvent = function(event) { this.addToStory(event.navigateTo,event.navigateFromTitle); if(!event.navigateSuppressNavigation) { this.addToHistory(event.navigateTo,event.navigateFromClientRect); } return false; }; // Close a specified tiddler NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCloseTiddlerEvent = function(event) { var title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle, storyList = this.getStoryList(); // Look for tiddlers with this title to close this.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,title); this.saveStoryList(storyList); return false; }; // Close all tiddlers NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCloseAllTiddlersEvent = function(event) { this.saveStoryList([]); return false; }; // Close other tiddlers NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCloseOtherTiddlersEvent = function(event) { var title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle; this.saveStoryList([title]); return false; }; // Place a tiddler in edit mode NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleEditTiddlerEvent = function(event) { var self = this; function isUnmodifiedShadow(title) { // jshint eqnull:true var tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title); return ( self.wiki.isShadowTiddler(title) && tiddler.fields.modified == null ); } function confirmEditShadow(title) { return confirm($tw.language.getString( "ConfirmEditShadowTiddler", {variables: {title: title} } )); } var title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle; if(isUnmodifiedShadow(title) && !confirmEditShadow(title)) { return false; } // Replace the specified tiddler with a draft in edit mode var draftTiddler = this.makeDraftTiddler(title), draftTitle = draftTiddler.fields.title, storyList = this.getStoryList(); this.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,draftTitle); this.replaceFirstTitleInStory(storyList,title,draftTitle); this.addToHistory(draftTitle,event.navigateFromClientRect); this.saveStoryList(storyList); return false; }; // Delete a tiddler NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleDeleteTiddlerEvent = function(event) { // Get the tiddler we're deleting var title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle, tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title), storyList = this.getStoryList(), originalTitle, confirmationTitle; // Check if the tiddler we're deleting is in draft mode if(tiddler.hasField("draft.title")) { // If so, we'll prompt for confirmation referencing the original tiddler originalTitle = tiddler.fields["draft.of"]; confirmationTitle = originalTitle; } else { // If not a draft, then prompt for confirmation referencing the specified tiddler originalTitle = null; confirmationTitle = title; } // Seek confirmation if(!confirm($tw.language.getString( "ConfirmDeleteTiddler", {variables: {title: confirmationTitle} } ))) { return false; } // Delete the original tiddler if(originalTitle) { this.wiki.deleteTiddler(originalTitle); this.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,originalTitle); } // Delete this tiddler this.wiki.deleteTiddler(title); // Remove the closed tiddler from the story this.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,title); this.saveStoryList(storyList); // Trigger an autosave $tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: "tw-auto-save-wiki"}); return false; }; /* Create/reuse the draft tiddler for a given title */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.makeDraftTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // See if there is already a draft tiddler for this tiddler var drafts = []; this.wiki.forEachTiddler({includeSystem: true},function(title,tiddler) { if(tiddler.fields["draft.title"] && tiddler.fields["draft.of"] === targetTitle) { drafts.push(tiddler); } }); if(drafts.length > 0) { return drafts[0]; } // Get the current value of the tiddler we're editing var tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(targetTitle), draftTitle = this.generateDraftTitle(targetTitle); // Save the initial value of the draft tiddler var draftTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler( tiddler, { title: draftTitle, "draft.title": targetTitle, "draft.of": targetTitle }, this.wiki.getModificationFields() ); this.wiki.addTiddler(draftTiddler); return draftTiddler; }; /* Generate a title for the draft of a given tiddler */ NavigatorWidget.prototype.generateDraftTitle = function(title) { var c = 0, draftTitle; do { draftTitle = "Draft " + (c ? (c + 1) + " " : "") + "of '" + title + "'"; c++; } while(this.wiki.tiddlerExists(draftTitle)); return draftTitle; }; // Take a tiddler out of edit mode, saving the changes NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleSaveTiddlerEvent = function(event) { var title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle, tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title), storyList = this.getStoryList(); // Replace the original tiddler with the draft if(tiddler) { var draftTitle = (tiddler.fields["draft.title"] || "").trim(), draftOf = (tiddler.fields["draft.of"] || "").trim(); if(draftTitle) { var isRename = draftOf !== draftTitle, isConfirmed = true; if(isRename && this.wiki.tiddlerExists(draftTitle)) { isConfirmed = confirm($tw.language.getString( "ConfirmOverwriteTiddler", {variables: {title: draftTitle} } )); } if(!isRename && !this.wiki.isDraftModified(title)) { event.type = "tm-cancel-tiddler"; this.dispatchEvent(event); } else if(isConfirmed) { // Save the draft tiddler as the real tiddler this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddler,{ title: draftTitle, "draft.title": undefined, "draft.of": undefined },this.wiki.getModificationFields())); // Remove the draft tiddler this.wiki.deleteTiddler(title); // Remove the original tiddler if we're renaming it if(isRename) { this.wiki.deleteTiddler(draftOf); } // Replace the draft in the story with the original this.replaceFirstTitleInStory(storyList,title,draftTitle); this.addToHistory(draftTitle,event.navigateFromClientRect); if(draftTitle !== this.storyTitle) { this.saveStoryList(storyList); } // Trigger an autosave $tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: "tw-auto-save-wiki"}); } } } return false; }; // Take a tiddler out of edit mode without saving the changes NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCancelTiddlerEvent = function(event) { // Flip the specified tiddler from draft back to the original var draftTitle = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle, draftTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(draftTitle), originalTitle = draftTiddler.fields["draft.of"], storyList = this.getStoryList(); if(draftTiddler && originalTitle) { // Ask for confirmation if the tiddler text has changed var isConfirmed = true; if(this.wiki.getTiddlerText(draftTitle) !== this.wiki.getTiddlerText(originalTitle)) { isConfirmed = confirm($tw.language.getString( "ConfirmCancelTiddler", {variables: {title: draftTitle} } )); } // Remove the draft tiddler if(isConfirmed) { this.wiki.deleteTiddler(draftTitle); this.replaceFirstTitleInStory(storyList,draftTitle,originalTitle); this.addToHistory(originalTitle,event.navigateFromClientRect); this.saveStoryList(storyList); } } return false; }; // Create a new draft tiddler NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleNewTiddlerEvent = function(event) { // Get the story details var storyList = this.getStoryList(); // Get the template tiddler if there is one var templateTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(event.param); // Title the new tiddler var title = this.wiki.generateNewTitle((templateTiddler && templateTiddler.fields.title) || "New Tiddler"); // Create the draft tiddler var draftTitle = this.generateDraftTitle(title), draftTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler({ text: "" },templateTiddler, this.wiki.getCreationFields(), { title: draftTitle, "draft.title": title, "draft.of": title },this.wiki.getModificationFields()); this.wiki.addTiddler(draftTiddler); // Update the story to insert the new draft at the top var slot = storyList.indexOf(event.navigateFromTitle); storyList.splice(slot + 1,0,draftTitle); // Save the updated story this.saveStoryList(storyList); // Add a new record to the top of the history stack this.addToHistory(draftTitle); return false; }; // Import JSON tiddlers into a pending import tiddler NavigatorWidget.prototype.handleImportTiddlersEvent = function(event) { var self = this; // Get the tiddlers var tiddlers = []; try { tiddlers = JSON.parse(event.param); } catch(e) { } // Get the current $:/Import tiddler var importTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(IMPORT_TITLE), importData = this.wiki.getTiddlerData(IMPORT_TITLE,{}), newFields = new Object({ title: IMPORT_TITLE, type: "application/json", "plugin-type": "import", "status": "pending" }), incomingTiddlers = []; // Process each tiddler importData.tiddlers = importData.tiddlers || {}; $tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddlerFields) { var title = tiddlerFields.title; if(title) { incomingTiddlers.push(title); importData.tiddlers[title] = tiddlerFields; } }); // Give the active upgrader modules a chance to process the incoming tiddlers var messages = this.wiki.invokeUpgraders(incomingTiddlers,importData.tiddlers); $tw.utils.each(messages,function(message,title) { newFields["message-" + title] = message; }); // Deselect any suppressed tiddlers $tw.utils.each(importData.tiddlers,function(tiddler,title) { if($tw.utils.count(tiddler) === 0) { newFields["selection-" + title] = "unchecked"; } }); // Save the $:/Import tiddler newFields.text = JSON.stringify(importData,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces); this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(importTiddler,newFields)); // Update the story and history details if(this.getVariable("tv-auto-open-on-import") !== "no") { var storyList = this.getStoryList(), history = []; // Add it to the story if(storyList.indexOf(IMPORT_TITLE) === -1) { storyList.unshift(IMPORT_TITLE); } // And to history history.push(IMPORT_TITLE); // Save the updated story and history this.saveStoryList(storyList); this.addToHistory(history); } return false; }; // NavigatorWidget.prototype.handlePerformImportEvent = function(event) { var self = this, importTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(event.param), importData = this.wiki.getTiddlerData(event.param,{tiddlers: {}}), importReport = []; // Add the tiddlers to the store importReport.push("The following tiddlers were imported:\n"); $tw.utils.each(importData.tiddlers,function(tiddlerFields) { var title = tiddlerFields.title; if(title && importTiddler && importTiddler.fields["selection-" + title] !== "unchecked") { self.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddlerFields)); importReport.push("# [[" + tiddlerFields.title + "]]"); } }); // Replace the $:/Import tiddler with an import report this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler({ title: IMPORT_TITLE, text: importReport.join("\n"), "status": "complete" })); // Navigate to the $:/Import tiddler this.addToHistory([IMPORT_TITLE]); // Trigger an autosave $tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: "tw-auto-save-wiki"}); }; exports.navigator = NavigatorWidget; })();