/*\ title: js/WikiTextParseTree.js A container for the parse tree generated by parsing wikitext \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true */ "use strict"; var WikiTextRenderer = require("./WikiTextRenderer.js").WikiTextRenderer, ArgParser = require("./ArgParser.js").ArgParser, utils = require("./Utils.js"); // Intialise the parse tree object var WikiTextParseTree = function(tree,dependencies,store) { this.tree = tree; this.dependencies = dependencies; // An array of tiddler names, or null if this tiddler depends on too many to track this.store = store; }; // Compile the parse tree into a JavaScript function that returns the required // representation of the tree WikiTextParseTree.prototype.compile = function(type,treenode) { /*jslint evil: true */ treenode = treenode || this.tree; var renderer = new WikiTextRenderer(), renderStep = {}, renderStepIndex = renderer.addRenderStep(renderStep), output = []; if(type === "text/html") { this.compileSubTreeHtml(output,renderer,treenode); } else if(type === "text/plain") { this.compileSubTreePlain(output,renderer,treenode); } else { return null; } // Create the parse tree for the rendering step function definition var parseTree = this.store.jsParser.createTree( [ { type: "Function", name: null, params: ["tiddler","renderer","store","utils"], // These are the parameters passed to the tiddler function; must match the invocation in WikiStore.renderTiddler() elements: [ { type: "ReturnStatement", value: { type: "FunctionCall", name: { type: "PropertyAccess", base: { type: "ArrayLiteral", elements: output }, name: "join" }, "arguments": [ { type: "StringLiteral", value: "" } ] } } ] } ]); renderStep.step = renderStepIndex; renderStep.dependencies = []; renderStep.handler = eval(parseTree.render()); return renderer; }; var pushString = function(output,s) { var last = output[output.length-1]; if(output.length > 0 && last.type === "StringLiterals") { last.value.push(s); } else if (output.length > 0 && last.type === "StringLiteral") { last.type = "StringLiterals"; last.value = [last.value,s]; } else { output.push({type: "StringLiteral", value: s}); } }; WikiTextParseTree.prototype.compileMacroCall = function(output,renderer,type,node) { /*jslint evil: true */ var name = node.name, params = node.params, macro = this.store.macros[name], p, n, renderStep = {}, renderStepIndex = renderer.addRenderStep(renderStep); // Check for errors if(!macro) { pushString(output,"{{** Unknown macro '" + name + "' **}}"); return; } if(macro.types.indexOf(type) === -1) { pushString(output,"{{** Macro '" + name + "' cannot render to MIME type '" + type + "'**}}"); return; } // Compose the macro call as a render function var macroCall = { type: "Function", name: null, params: ["tiddler","renderer","store","utils"], // These are the parameters passed to the tiddler function; must match the invocation in WikiStore.renderTiddler() elements: [ { type: "ReturnStatement", value: { type: "FunctionCall", name: { base: { base: { base: { name: "store", type: "Variable"}, name: "macros", type: "PropertyAccess"}, name: { type: "StringLiteral", value: name}, type: "PropertyAccess"}, name: "handler", type: "PropertyAccess"}, "arguments": [ { type: "StringLiteral", value: type },{ type: "Variable", name: "tiddler" },{ type: "Variable", name: "store" },{ type: "ObjectLiteral", properties: [] }] }}] }; // Slot the parameters into the macro call for(p in params) { if(params[p].type === "string") { n = {type: "StringLiteral", value: params[p].value}; } else { n = this.store.jsParser.parse(params[p].value).tree.elements[0]; } macroCall.elements[0].value["arguments"][3].properties.push({ type: "PropertyAssignment", name: p, value: n }); } // Compile any child nodes if(node.children) { var subOutput = []; this.compileSubTreeHtml(subOutput,renderer,node.children); macroCall.elements[0].value["arguments"].push({ type: "FunctionCall", name: { type: "PropertyAccess", base: { type: "ArrayLiteral", elements: subOutput }, name: "join" }, "arguments": [ { type: "StringLiteral", value: "" }] }); } renderStep.step = renderStepIndex; renderStep.dependencies = node.dependencies; renderStep.handler = eval(this.store.jsParser.createTree(macroCall).render()); var wrapperTag = macro.wrapperTag || "div"; if(type === "text/html") { pushString(output,utils.stitchElement(wrapperTag,{ "data-tw-macro": name, "data-tw-render-step": renderStepIndex })); } output.push({ type: "FunctionCall", name: { base: { name: "renderer", type: "Variable"}, name: "render", type: "PropertyAccess"}, "arguments": [ { type: "Variable", name: "tiddler" },{ type: "Variable", name: "store" },{ type: "NumericLiteral", value: renderStepIndex }] }); if(type === "text/html") { pushString(output,""); } }; WikiTextParseTree.prototype.compileElementHtml = function(output,renderer,element,options) { options = options || {}; pushString(output,utils.stitchElement(element.type,element.attributes,{ selfClosing: options.selfClosing })); if(!options.selfClosing) { if(element.children) { this.compileSubTreeHtml(output,renderer,element.children); } pushString(output,""); } }; WikiTextParseTree.prototype.compileSubTreeHtml = function(output,renderer,tree) { for(var t=0; t"), classNames: ["splitLabelRight"] })); output.push(""); return true; } return false; }, function(output,type,node) { // Macro nodes if(node.type === "macro") { output.push(utils.stitchElement("span", {"data-tw-treenode-type": "macro"},{ content: utils.htmlEncode(node.name), classNames: ["treeNode","label"] })); for(var f in node.params) { output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",null,{ classNames: ["splitLabel"] })); output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",{"data-tw-treenode-type": "param"},{ content: utils.htmlEncode(f), classNames: ["splitLabelLeft"] })); var v = node.params[f].value; if(node.params[f].type === "string") { v = utils.stringify(v); } else if(node.params[f].type === "eval") { v = "{{" + v + "}}"; } output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",null,{ content: utils.htmlEncode(v), classNames: ["splitLabelRight"] })); output.push(""); } output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",null, {classNames: ["treeNode","splitLabel"]})); output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",{"data-tw-treenode-type": "renderStepDependencies"},{ content: "dependencies", classNames: ["splitLabelLeft"] })); output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",null,{ content: utils.htmlEncode(node.dependencies === null ? "*" : node.dependencies.join(", ")), classNames: ["splitLabelRight"] })); output.push(""); if(node.children) { utils.renderObject(output,type,node.children,customTemplates); } output.push(""); return true; } return false; }, function(output,type,node) { // HTML nodes if(htmlNodes.indexOf(node.type) !== -1) { output.push(utils.stitchElement("span", {"data-tw-treenode-type": "html"},{ content: node.type, classNames: ["treeNode","label"] })); for(var f in node.attributes) { output.push(utils.string("span",null,{ classNames: ["treeNode"] })); var v = node.attributes[f]; output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",null,{ content: utils.htmlEncode(f), classNames: (typeof v === "object") ? ["label"] : ["splitLabel","splitLabelLeft"] })); if(typeof v === "string") { v = utils.stringify(v); } else if(v instanceof Array) { v = v.join("; "); } if(typeof v === "object") { utils.renderObject(output,type,v); } else { output.push(utils.stitchElement("span",null,{ content: utils.htmlEncode(v), classNames: ["splitLabelRight"] })); } } if(node.children) { utils.renderObject(output,type,node.children,customTemplates); } return true; } else { return false; } } ]; utils.renderObject(output,type,this.tree,customTemplates); return output.join(""); }; exports.WikiTextParseTree = WikiTextParseTree; })();