created: 20151006145934884 modified: 20151006155211988 tags: Learning title: How to export tiddlers type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki !!! Selecting All tiddlers for export To export ''all'' tiddlers click on the "Tools" tab of the Sidebar. Find and click the ``export all`` ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) button. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats. !!! Exporting a tiddler If you want to export a particular tiddler, first navigate to that tiddler. Then click on the More Actions icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions}}) that appears above the tiddler. From the list that appears select ``export tiddler``. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export the tiddler in multiple formats. !!! Exporting tiddlers matching a criteria (filter) To export a selection of tiddlers, click the little magnifying glass next to the search area on the sidebar. This will open the [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] tiddler. Click on the ``Filter`` tab of the Advanced Search tiddler. Only the [[Filter|Filters]] tab will allow you to export a selection of tiddlers. [[Filters]] follow a particular syntax. Click on this [[Filters|Filters]] link to learn about how to make filters. Once you have written a filter, a list of tiddlers matching the filter will appear. Now you can click on the export icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) to the right of the filter input field. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats. !!! Export formats Currently, the export formats available are: * CSV file format * JSON file format * Static HTML file * ".tid" file format The ``".tid"`` format is unique from the other formats in that only one tiddler will be exported, even if you are attempting to export all tiddlers or a selection of tiddlers.