created: 20150124104508000 modified: 20211129122755444 tags: [[search Operator]] [[Operator Examples]] title: search Operator (Examples) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="4" eg="[search:*[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in any field"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="5" eg="[search:-title,caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in any field except <<.field title>> and <<.field caption>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="6" eg="[!is[system]search[the first]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing a case-insensitive match for both the <<.word 'the'>> and <<.word 'first'>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="7" eg="[!is[system]search::literal[the first]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing a case-insensitive match for the literal phrase <<.word 'the first'>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="8" eg="[!is[system]search::literal,casesensitive[The first]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing a case-sensitive match for the literal phrase <<.word 'The first'>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="9" eg="[search:caption,description:casesensitive,words[arch]]" ie="any tiddlers containing a case-sensitive match for the word `arch` in their <<.field caption>> or <<.field description>> fields"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="10" eg="[search:tags:some[how test]]" ie="any tiddlers containing at least 1 of the search terms in the field: <<.field tags>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="11" eg="[search:tags:some,casesensitive[how test]]" ie="any tiddlers containing at least 1 of the case-sensitive search terms in the field: <<.field tags>>"/> <$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="12" eg="[search:tags,title:some,anchored[how test]]" ie="any tiddlers containing at least 1 of anchored search terms in the fields: <<.field tags>> and <<.field title>>"/>