caption: tv-filter-export-link created: 20170828095135984 modified: 20170828095757620 tags: Variables [[Core Variables]] [[Configuration Variables]] title: tv-filter-export-link Variable type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.1.15">> The <<.def tv-filter-export-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget. If defined, it takes precedence over the [[tv-wikilink-template Variable]]. <<.this-is-static-link-variable>> The variable is treated as a filter that is given the target tiddler title as input. The filter is evaluated and the first result is used as the `href` attribute. For example: ``` \define tv-filter-export-link() [encodeuricomponent[]encodeuricomponent[]addsuffix[.html]] ``` See also the <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>> variable, which dominates over this one.