created: 20210427130002905 modified: 20210525130748774 tags: KeyboardWidget title: Key Codes (Example) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki \define key-test() $:/key-test \import [[Keyboard Codes (Macros)]] \define keys() 1 2 3 shift+1 shift+2 shift+3 a s d f1 f2 f3 \end ! Key Codes {{$:/key-test/action}} ! Input Area Depending on your OS and browser keyboard settings, some combinations may be "eaten" by the OS, or the browser --> <$keyboard key={{{ [enlistjoin[ ]] }}} actions=<> > <$edit-text tiddler=<> placeholder="- Click here to try keys -" tag=input /> <-- !! Keys to be tested <$list filter="[enlist]"><>, ----- All usable keys can be found at: [[Keyboard Codes]] A more advanced example can be found at: [[Key Codes (Example 1)]] ! Code <>