created: 20140512103123179 modified: 20140512103123179 tags: Filters title: FilterOperator: after caption: after type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The ''after'' filter operator returns the tiddler from the current list that is after the tiddler named in the operand. The following examples assume a tiddler called `MyList` with a `list` field containing: ``` one two three four five ``` |!Filter String |!Description | |`[list[MyList]after[two]]` |Returns `three` | |`[list[MyList]after[five]]` |Returns an empty list | |`[list[MyList]after{!!title}]` |Returns `five` if the current tiddler is `four` | See also [[FilterOperator: before]], [[FilterOperator: previous]] and [[FilterOperator: next]].