created: 20130213001758000 creator: tobibeer modified: 20140901061006864 modifier: andrewstern tags: Formatting title: Comment Formatting type: text/x-tiddlywiki !Summary Occasionally you want to add notes to your tiddler markup yet don't want it displayed when the tiddler is rendered. To achieve this, wrap the text using {{{/% hidden %/}}}. !Example {{{ text before .../% !HIDDEN SECTION This is content of a hidden section. !END%/ text after }}} ''Display as:'' <<< text before /% !HIDDEN SECTION This is content of a hidden section. !END%/... text after <<< !Also see... ;[[Suppressing Formatting]] :» when you just don't want that text to be TiddlyWiki markup :» when you want to prevent WikiWords :» when you copy & paste from other sources