//-- //-- DOM utilities - many derived from www.quirksmode.org //-- function drawGradient(place,horiz,locolors,hicolors) { if(!hicolors) hicolors = locolors; var t; for(t=0; t<= 100; t+=2) { var bar = document.createElement("div"); place.appendChild(bar); bar.style.position = "absolute"; bar.style.left = horiz ? t + "%" : 0; bar.style.top = horiz ? 0 : t + "%"; bar.style.width = horiz ? (101-t) + "%" : "100%"; bar.style.height = horiz ? "100%" : (101-t) + "%"; bar.style.zIndex = -1; var p = t/100*(locolors.length-1); var hc = hicolors[Math.floor(p)]; if(typeof hc == "string") hc = new RGB(hc); var lc = locolors[Math.ceil(p)]; if(typeof lc == "string") lc = new RGB(lc); bar.style.backgroundColor = hc.mix(lc,p-Math.floor(p)).toString(); } } //# Add an event handler //# Thanks to John Resig, via QuirksMode function addEvent(obj,type,fn) { if(obj.attachEvent) { obj["e"+type+fn] = fn; obj[type+fn] = function(){obj["e"+type+fn](window.event);}; obj.attachEvent("on"+type,obj[type+fn]); } else { obj.addEventListener(type,fn,false); } } //# Remove an event handler //# Thanks to John Resig, via QuirksMode function removeEvent(obj,type,fn) { if(obj.detachEvent) { obj.detachEvent("on"+type,obj[type+fn]); obj[type+fn] = null; } else { obj.removeEventListener(type,fn,false); } } // Find the closest relative with a given property value (property defaults to tagName, relative defaults to parentNode) function findRelated(e,value,name,relative) { name = name || "tagName"; relative = relative || "parentNode"; if(name == "className") { while(e && !jQuery(e).hasClass(value)) { e = e[relative]; } } else { while(e && e[name] != value) { e = e[relative]; } } return e; } // Get the scroll position for window.scrollTo necessary to scroll a given element into view function ensureVisible(e) { var posTop = findPosY(e); var posBot = posTop + e.offsetHeight; var winTop = findScrollY(); var winHeight = findWindowHeight(); var winBot = winTop + winHeight; if(posTop < winTop) { return posTop; } else if(posBot > winBot) { if(e.offsetHeight < winHeight) return posTop - (winHeight - e.offsetHeight); else return posTop; } else { return winTop; } } // Get the current width of the display window function findWindowWidth() { return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; } // Get the current height of the display window function findWindowHeight() { return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; } // Get the current horizontal page scroll position function findScrollX() { return window.scrollX || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } // Get the current vertical page scroll position function findScrollY() { return window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop; } function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; while(obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } return curleft; } function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; while(obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } return curtop; } // Blur a particular element function blurElement(e) { if(e && e.focus && e.blur) { e.focus(); e.blur(); } } // Create a non-breaking space function insertSpacer(place) { var e = document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(160)); if(place) place.appendChild(e); return e; } // Replace the current selection of a textarea or text input and scroll it into view function replaceSelection(e,text) { if(e.setSelectionRange) { var oldpos = e.selectionStart; var isRange = e.selectionEnd > e.selectionStart; e.value = e.value.substr(0,e.selectionStart) + text + e.value.substr(e.selectionEnd); e.setSelectionRange(isRange ? oldpos : oldpos + text.length,oldpos + text.length); var linecount = e.value.split("\n").length; var thisline = e.value.substr(0,e.selectionStart).split("\n").length-1; e.scrollTop = Math.floor((thisline - e.rows / 2) * e.scrollHeight / linecount); } else if(document.selection) { var range = document.selection.createRange(); if(range.parentElement() == e) { var isCollapsed = range.text == ""; range.text = text; if(!isCollapsed) { range.moveStart("character", -text.length); range.select(); } } } } // Set the caret position in a text area function setCaretPosition(e,pos) { if(e.selectionStart || e.selectionStart == '0') { e.selectionStart = pos; e.selectionEnd = pos; e.focus(); } else if(document.selection) { // IE support e.focus (); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.moveStart('character', -e.value.length); sel.moveStart('character',pos); sel.moveEnd('character',0); sel.select(); } } // Returns the text of the given (text) node, possibly merging subsequent text nodes function getNodeText(e) { var t = ""; while(e && e.nodeName == "#text") { t += e.nodeValue; e = e.nextSibling; } return t; } // Returns true if the element e has a given ancestor element function isDescendant(e,ancestor) { while(e) { if(e === ancestor) return true; e = e.parentNode; } return false; } // deprecate the following... // Prevent an event from bubbling function stopEvent(e) { var ev = e || window.event; ev.cancelBubble = true; if(ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); return false; } // Remove any event handlers or non-primitve custom attributes function scrubNode(e) { if(!config.browser.isIE) return; var att = e.attributes; if(att) { var t; for(t=0; t<att.length; t++) { var n = att[t].name; if(n !== "style" && (typeof e[n] === "function" || (typeof e[n] === "object" && e[n] != null))) { try { e[n] = null; } catch(ex) { } } } } var c = e.firstChild; while(c) { scrubNode(c); c = c.nextSibling; } } function setStylesheet(s,id,doc) { jQuery.twStylesheet(s,{id:id,doc:doc}); } function removeStyleSheet(id) { jQuery.twStylesheet.remove({id:id}); }