created: 20130825160900000 modified: 20140912140822643 tags: Features [[Working with TiddlyWiki]] title: Saving with Encryption type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]]. # Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the words //This wiki is not encrypted// and a button labelled ''Set password'' # Click ''Set password'' # Type a password and click the ''Set'' button (or use the enter key) # The control panel should now say //This wiki is encrypted// with buttons for changing and clearing the password # Save the wiki using the button in the sidebar # Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted # Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed