title: WikiText type: text/x-tiddlywiki tags: docs concepts WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. Operations like linking become part of the punctuation of your writing. The key feature of wikitext is the ability to include one tiddler within another (usually referred to as //transclusion//). For example, one could have a tiddler called //Disclaimer// that contains the boilerplate of a legal disclaimer, and then include it within lots of different tiddlers with the macro call `<>`. ! This is a heading HelloThere One two three four. With a link to HelloThere. And a link to TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5. And a suppressed link to ~HelloThere. And now a [[pretty link|HelloThere]] and another pretty link: [[Introduction]]. Here's an http link: http://www.google.com/, and a suppressed link: ~http://www.apple.com/. This is a series -- of dashes --- that are of different ---- sizes! Here's a paragraph with an embedded macro <> and that was it. {{{ This will be mono }}} And this will be {{{inline and monospaced}}} and `so will this` little bit. Here is some ''bold face'', and __some underlining__ and of course some --strikethrough--. Here's an unterminated ''bit of bold face. And also some entities like Ç Ç "HTML Entity". Here is a macro <>. This is a macro with content <> This is another macro with content, this time including another macro: <> of TiddlyWiki.>>. That's that. ! This is a new heading This is a paragraph immediately after that heading ---- * This is a list ***** With a deep subitem * Of lots of items ********* And another deep item ** And subitems *# And nested numbered lists inside ordinary lists *# Yes *## Definitely *##* And then *##** back *##*** to items *## And back to numbers once more *# More numbering * And back to items ---- ; definitionile : definitionate ; definitionilisation : definitionatisative ---- This is a list with a class wrapped around it: {{myclass andanotherone{ * One and one ** Two and three * Four and five ** Six and Seven }}} And here's another one: {{class1 class2{ * Un et deux **{{class}} Two and three * Four and five ** Trois et cinq }}} And here's a class wrapped around a heading: {{class1{ ! My heading }}} And here's a class assigned directly to a heading: !!!!{{class1}} My very beautiful heading --- Here are some HTML paragraph blocks:
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
And another:
This time the text is all squashed up, without line breaks
--- Macro calls can be inline like this: <> Or, at paragraph block level: <>