created: 20140518150234142 modified: 20140518150234142 tags: releasenote title: Release 5.0.13-beta type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki released: 201405181600 //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// !! Incompatible Changes See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.13-beta]] for more details of these changes: * !! Documentation Improvements * !! Usability Improvements * !! Hackability Improvements * !! Bug Fixes * !! Contributors I ([[@Jermolene|]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki: [[@BramChen|]], [[@mwfogleman|]], [[@nameanyone|]], [[@natecain|]], [[@pekopeko1|]], [[@pmario|]], [[@sukima|]], [[@xcazin|]].