created: 20220122153235162
modified: 20240713165558596
tags: [[WikiText parser mode transitions]]
title: WikiText parser mode: HTML examples
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki

<<testcase TestCases/HTML/OpenTagBlankLine>>


The open tag blank line "trick" also works inside of punctuation only recognised in inline mode (such as [[Formatting in WikiText]]):

<<testcase TestCases/HTML/OpenTagBlankLineInBoldSyntax>>


<<testcase TestCases/HTML/OpenTagNoBlankLine>>


[[Tables in WikiText]] is one construct for which the open tag blank line "trick" cannot work. In order for the parser to recognise a table row, the entire row must be on a single line.

Adding a blank link after an open tag within a table cell causes the row to span mulitple lines and the parser ceases to be able to recognise it as a table row.

<<wikitext-example-without-html "|table row|all on|one line|is recognised|">>

<<testcase TestCases/HTML/OpenTagBlankLineInTableSyntax>>


The only way to get [[block mode|Block Mode WikiText]] punctuation recognised in [[wikitext tables|Tables in WikiText]] is to use <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> with <<.attr mode>> = <<.value block>>.

<<wikitext-example-without-html '|Nested table:|<$transclude tiddler="table-example" mode=block/>|'>>

Note that <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> does not have a similar <<.attr mode>> attribute and the content of macro definitions can only be parsed in [[inline mode|Inline Mode WikiText]]


<<testcase TestCases/HTML/BlockModeInHTMLTable>>