/*\ title: $:/core/modules/rendertree/renderers/element.js type: application/javascript module-type: wikirenderer Element renderer \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Element widget. A degenerate widget that renders ordinary HTML elements */ var ElementWidget = function(renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; this.tag = this.renderer.parseTreeNode.tag; this.attributes = this.renderer.attributes; this.children = this.renderer.renderTree.createRenderers(this.renderer.renderContext,this.renderer.parseTreeNode.children); this.events = this.renderer.parseTreeNode.events; }; ElementWidget.prototype.refreshInDom = function(changedAttributes,changedTiddlers) { // Check if any of our attribute dependencies have changed if($tw.utils.count(changedAttributes) > 0) { // Update our attributes this.renderer.assignAttributes(); } // Refresh any child nodes $tw.utils.each(this.children,function(node) { if(node.refreshInDom) { node.refreshInDom(changedTiddlers); } }); }; /* Element renderer */ var ElementRenderer = function(renderTree,renderContext,parseTreeNode) { // Store state information this.renderTree = renderTree; this.renderContext = renderContext; this.parseTreeNode = parseTreeNode; // Initialise widget classes if(!this.widgetClasses) { ElementRenderer.prototype.widgetClasses = $tw.modules.applyMethods("widget"); } // Compute our dependencies this.dependencies = {}; var self = this; $tw.utils.each(this.parseTreeNode.attributes,function(attribute,name) { if(attribute.type === "indirect") { var tr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(attribute.textReference); self.dependencies[tr.title ? tr.title : renderContext.tiddlerTitle] = true; } }); // Compute our attributes this.attributes = {}; this.computeAttributes(); // Create the parasite widget object if required if(this.parseTreeNode.tag.charAt(0) === "$") { // Choose the class var WidgetClass = this.widgetClasses[this.parseTreeNode.tag.substr(1)]; // Instantiate the widget if(WidgetClass) { this.widget = new WidgetClass(this); } else { WidgetClass = this.widgetClasses.error; if(WidgetClass) { this.widget = new WidgetClass(this,"Unknown widget '<" + this.parseTreeNode.tag + ">'"); } } } // If we haven't got a widget, use the generic HTML element widget if(!this.widget) { this.widget = new ElementWidget(this); } }; ElementRenderer.prototype.computeAttributes = function() { var changedAttributes = {}; var self = this; $tw.utils.each(this.parseTreeNode.attributes,function(attribute,name) { if(attribute.type === "indirect") { var value = self.renderTree.wiki.getTextReference(attribute.textReference,"",self.renderContext.tiddlerTitle); if(self.attributes[name] !== value) { self.attributes[name] = value; changedAttributes[name] = true; } } else { // String attribute if(self.attributes[name] !== attribute.value) { self.attributes[name] = attribute.value; changedAttributes[name] = true; } } }); return changedAttributes; }; ElementRenderer.prototype.hasAttribute = function(name) { return $tw.utils.hop(this.attributes,name); }; ElementRenderer.prototype.getAttribute = function(name,defaultValue) { if($tw.utils.hop(this.attributes,name)) { return this.attributes[name]; } else { return defaultValue; } }; ElementRenderer.prototype.render = function(type) { var isHtml = type === "text/html", output = [],attr,a,v; if(isHtml) { output.push("<",this.widget.tag); if(this.widget.attributes) { attr = []; for(a in this.widget.attributes) { attr.push(a); } attr.sort(); for(a=0; a\n"); } if($tw.config.htmlVoidElements.indexOf(this.widget.tag) === -1) { $tw.utils.each(this.widget.children,function(node) { if(node.render) { output.push(node.render(type)); } }); if(isHtml) { output.push(""); } } return output.join(""); }; ElementRenderer.prototype.renderInDom = function() { // Check if our widget is providing an element if(this.widget.tag) { // Create the element this.domNode = document.createElement(this.widget.tag); // Assign any specified event handlers $tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.domNode,this.widget.events); // Assign the attributes this.assignAttributes(); // Render any child nodes var self = this; $tw.utils.each(this.widget.children,function(node) { if(node.renderInDom) { self.domNode.appendChild(node.renderInDom()); } }); // Call postRenderInDom if the widget provides it if(this.widget.postRenderInDom) { this.widget.postRenderInDom(); } // Return the dom node return this.domNode; } else { // If we're not generating an element, just render our first child return this.widget.children[0].renderInDom(); } }; ElementRenderer.prototype.assignAttributes = function() { var self = this; $tw.utils.each(this.widget.attributes,function(v,a) { if(v !== undefined) { if($tw.utils.isArray(v)) { // Ahem, could there be arrays other than className? self.domNode.className = v.join(" "); } else if (typeof v === "object") { // ...or objects other than style? for(var p in v) { self.domNode.style[$tw.utils.unHyphenateCss(p)] = v[p]; } } else { self.domNode.setAttribute(a,v); } } }); }; ElementRenderer.prototype.refreshInDom = function(changedTiddlers) { // Update our attributes if required var changedAttributes = {}; if($tw.utils.checkDependencies(this.dependencies,changedTiddlers)) { changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(); } // Check if the widget has a refreshInDom method if(this.widget.refreshInDom) { // Let the widget refresh itself this.widget.refreshInDom(changedAttributes,changedTiddlers); } else { // If not, assign the attributes and refresh any child nodes this.assignAttributes(); $tw.utils.each(this.widget.children,function(node) { if(node.refreshInDom) { node.refreshInDom(changedTiddlers); } }); } }; ElementRenderer.prototype.getContextTiddlerTitle = function() { var context = this.renderContext; while(context) { if($tw.utils.hop(context,"tiddlerTitle")) { return context.tiddlerTitle; } context = context.parentContext; } return undefined; }; /* Check for render context recursion by returning true if the members of a proposed new render context are already present in the render context chain */ ElementRenderer.prototype.checkContextRecursion = function(newRenderContext) { var context = this.renderContext; while(context) { var match = true; for(var member in newRenderContext) { if($tw.utils.hop(newRenderContext,member)) { if(newRenderContext[member] && newRenderContext[member] !== context[member]) { match = false; } } } if(match) { return true; } context = context.parentContext; } return false; }; ElementRenderer.prototype.getContextScopeId = function() { var guidBits = [], context = this.renderContext; while(context) { $tw.utils.each(context,function(field,name) { if(name !== "parentContext") { guidBits.push(name + ":" + field + ";"); } }); guidBits.push("-"); context = context.parentContext; } return guidBits.join(""); }; /* Find a named macro definition */ ElementRenderer.prototype.findMacroDefinition = function(name) { var context = this.renderContext; while(context) { if(context.macroDefinitions && context.macroDefinitions[name]) { return context.macroDefinitions[name]; } context = context.parentContext; } return undefined; }; exports.element = ElementRenderer })();