title: $:/language/ThemeTweaks/ ThemeTweaks: Theme Tweaks ThemeTweaks/Hint: You can tweak certain aspects of the ''<$text text={{{ [get[name]] :else[[current]] }}}/>'' theme. Options: Options Options/SidebarLayout: Sidebar layout Options/SidebarLayout/Fixed-Fluid: Fixed story, fluid sidebar Options/SidebarLayout/Fluid-Fixed: Fluid story, fixed sidebar Options/SidebarPosition: Sidebar position Options/SidebarResizer: Sidebar resizer Options/StickyTitles: Sticky titles Options/StickyTitles/Hint: Causes tiddler titles to "stick" to the top of the browser window Options/CodeWrapping: Wrap long lines in code blocks Settings: Settings Settings/FontFamily: Font family Settings/CodeFontFamily: Code font family Settings/EditorFontFamily: Editor font family Settings/BackgroundImage: Page background image Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment: Page background image attachment Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment/Scroll: Scroll with tiddlers Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment/Fixed: Fixed to window Settings/BackgroundImageSize: Page background image size Settings/BackgroundImageSize/Auto: Auto Settings/BackgroundImageSize/Cover: Cover Settings/BackgroundImageSize/Contain: Contain Metrics: Sizes Metrics/FontSize: Font size Metrics/LineHeight: Line height Metrics/BodyFontSize: Font size for tiddler body Metrics/BodyLineHeight: Line height for tiddler body Metrics/PreviewSliderWidth: Preview slider width Metrics/PreviewSliderWidth/Hint: the width of the slider between editor and editor preview Metrics/SidebarPadding: Sidebar padding Metrics/SidebarPadding/Hint: the padding of the sidebar between sidebar and story river Metrics/SidebarResizer/Hint: the values for `storyleft`, `storyright`, `storywidth`, `storyminwidth`, `sidebarwidth` and `sidebarminwidth` need to be ''absolute'' CSS units, ''percentages'' or ''em'' units in order for the sidebar resizer to work Metrics/StoryLeft: Story left position Metrics/StoryLeft/Hint: how far the left margin of the story river
(tiddler area) is from the left of the page Metrics/StoryMinWidth: Minimum Story width Metrics/StoryMinWidth/Hint: controls the minimum width of the tiddlers in the story river Metrics/StoryPaddingLeft: Story Padding Left Metrics/StoryPaddingLeft/Hint: the left padding of the story river Metrics/StoryPaddingRight: Story Padding Right Metrics/StoryPaddingRight/Hint: the right padding of the story river Metrics/StoryTop: Story top position Metrics/StoryTop/Hint: how far the top margin of the story river
is from the top of the page Metrics/StoryRight: Story right Metrics/StoryRight/Hint: how far the left margin of the sidebar
is from the left of the page Metrics/StoryWidth: Story width Metrics/StoryWidth/Hint: the overall width of the story river Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint: Sidebar breakpoint Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint/Hint: the minimum page width at which the story
river and sidebar will appear side by side Metrics/SidebarMinWidth: Minimum Sidebar width Metrics/SidebarMinWidth/Hint: the minimum width of the sidebar Metrics/SidebarWidth: Sidebar width Metrics/SidebarWidth/Hint: the width of the sidebar in fluid-fixed layout Metrics/TiddlerWidth: Tiddler width Metrics/TiddlerWidth/Hint: within the story river