//-- //-- RGB colour object //-- // Construct an RGB colour object from a '#rrggbb', '#rgb' or 'rgb(n,n,n)' string or from separate r,g,b values function RGB(r,g,b) { this.r = 0; this.g = 0; this.b = 0; if(typeof r == "string") { if(r.substr(0,1) == "#") { if(r.length == 7) { this.r = parseInt(r.substr(1,2),16)/255; this.g = parseInt(r.substr(3,2),16)/255; this.b = parseInt(r.substr(5,2),16)/255; } else { this.r = parseInt(r.substr(1,1),16)/15; this.g = parseInt(r.substr(2,1),16)/15; this.b = parseInt(r.substr(3,1),16)/15; } } else { var rgbPattern = /rgb\s*\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)/; var c = r.match(rgbPattern); if(c) { this.r = parseInt(c[1],10)/255; this.g = parseInt(c[2],10)/255; this.b = parseInt(c[3],10)/255; } } } else { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } return this; } // Mixes this colour with another in a specified proportion // c = other colour to mix // f = 0..1 where 0 is this colour and 1 is the new colour // Returns an RGB object RGB.prototype.mix = function(c,f) { return new RGB(this.r + (c.r-this.r) * f,this.g + (c.g-this.g) * f,this.b + (c.b-this.b) * f); }; // Return an rgb colour as a #rrggbb format hex string RGB.prototype.toString = function() { var clamp = function(x,min,max) { return x < min ? min : (x > max ? max : x); }; return "#" + ("0" + Math.floor(clamp(this.r,0,1) * 255).toString(16)).right(2) + ("0" + Math.floor(clamp(this.g,0,1) * 255).toString(16)).right(2) + ("0" + Math.floor(clamp(this.b,0,1) * 255).toString(16)).right(2); };