created: 20190206140446821 modified: 20190611155838557 tags: Filters title: Mathematics Operators type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.1.20">>The mathematics filter operators allow numerical calculations to be performed within filters. The mathematics operators interpret their arguments as numbers according to the following rules: * Any non-numeric characters after a valid number are ignored (e.g. `28px` is interpreted as the number 28) * If the argument cannot be interpreted as a number, the value 0 is used (e.g. `foo` is interpreted as the number 0) * The special values `Infinity` and `-Infinity` can be used to represent positive and negative infinity respectively <$macrocall $name=".warning" _="Some filter operators remove duplicate items which can cause unexpected results when using the mathematics operators. See [[Dominant Append]] for details."/> The mathematics operators take three different forms: * ''Unary operators'' apply an operation to each number in the input list (e.g. negate, truncate, sign) ** <<.inline-operator-example "1 2 3 4 +[negate[]]">> ** <<.inline-operator-example "1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 +[trunc[]]">> ** <<.inline-operator-example "1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 +[round[]]">> * ''Binary operators'' apply an operation and operand to each number in the input list (e.g. add, multiply, remainder) ** <<.inline-operator-example "1 2 3 4 +[add[3]]">> ** <<.inline-operator-example "1 2 3 4 +[multiply[8]]">> * ''Reducing operators'' apply an operation to all of the numbers in the input list, returning a single result (e.g. sum, product) ** <<.inline-operator-example "1 2 3 4 +[sum[]]">> ** <<.inline-operator-example "1 2 3 4 +[product[]]">> Operators can be combined: * <<.inline-operator-example "[[355]divide[113]fixed[5]]">> * <<.inline-operator-example "[range[100]sum[]divide[100]]">> * <<.inline-operator-example "[tag[HelloThere]get[text]length[]sum[]]">> Complex operations will sometimes need to be split up into separate filters. For example, to compute the average length of the text field of tiddlers tagged "~HelloThere": <$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html' src="""<$set name="number-of-tiddlers" value={{{ [tag[HelloThere]count[]] }}}> Average length of <$text text=<>/> tiddlers tagged <>: <$text text={{{ [tag[HelloThere]get[text]length[]sum[]dividefixed[3]] }}}/> """ /> <>