/*\ title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/wikiparser.js type: application/javascript module-type: parser The wiki text parser processes blocks of source text into a parse tree. The parse tree is made up of nested arrays of these JavaScript objects: {type: "element", tag: , attributes: {}, children: []} - an HTML element {type: "text", text: } - a text node {type: "entity", value: } - an entity {type: "raw", html: } - raw HTML Attributes are stored as hashmaps of the following objects: {type: "string", value: } - literal string {type: "indirect", textReference: } - indirect through a text reference {type: "macro", macro: } - indirect through a macro invocation \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var WikiParser = function(type,text,options) { this.wiki = options.wiki; var self = this; // Check for an externally linked tiddler if($tw.browser && (text || "") === "" && options._canonical_uri) { this.loadRemoteTiddler(options._canonical_uri); text = $tw.language.getRawString("LazyLoadingWarning"); } // Initialise the classes if we don't have them already if(!this.pragmaRuleClasses) { WikiParser.prototype.pragmaRuleClasses = $tw.modules.createClassesFromModules("wikirule","pragma",$tw.WikiRuleBase); this.setupRules(WikiParser.prototype.pragmaRuleClasses,"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Pragmas/"); } if(!this.blockRuleClasses) { WikiParser.prototype.blockRuleClasses = $tw.modules.createClassesFromModules("wikirule","block",$tw.WikiRuleBase); this.setupRules(WikiParser.prototype.blockRuleClasses,"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Block/"); } if(!this.inlineRuleClasses) { WikiParser.prototype.inlineRuleClasses = $tw.modules.createClassesFromModules("wikirule","inline",$tw.WikiRuleBase); this.setupRules(WikiParser.prototype.inlineRuleClasses,"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/"); } // Save the parse text this.type = type || "text/vnd.tiddlywiki"; this.source = text || ""; this.sourceLength = this.source.length; // Flag for ignoring whitespace this.configTrimWhiteSpace = false; // Set current parse position this.pos = 0; // Instantiate the pragma parse rules this.pragmaRules = this.instantiateRules(this.pragmaRuleClasses,"pragma",0); // Instantiate the parser block and inline rules this.blockRules = this.instantiateRules(this.blockRuleClasses,"block",0); this.inlineRules = this.instantiateRules(this.inlineRuleClasses,"inline",0); // Parse any pragmas this.tree = []; var topBranch = this.parsePragmas(); // Parse the text into inline runs or blocks if(options.parseAsInline) { topBranch.push.apply(topBranch,this.parseInlineRun()); } else { topBranch.push.apply(topBranch,this.parseBlocks()); } // Return the parse tree }; /* */ WikiParser.prototype.loadRemoteTiddler = function(url) { var self = this; $tw.utils.httpRequest({ url: url, type: "GET", callback: function(err,data) { if(!err) { var tiddlers = self.wiki.deserializeTiddlers(".tid",data,self.wiki.getCreationFields()); $tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddler) { tiddler["_canonical_uri"] = url; }); if(tiddlers) { self.wiki.addTiddlers(tiddlers); } } } }); }; /* */ WikiParser.prototype.setupRules = function(proto,configPrefix) { var self = this; if(!$tw.safemode) { $tw.utils.each(proto,function(object,name) { if(self.wiki.getTiddlerText(configPrefix + name,"enable") !== "enable") { delete proto[name]; } }); } }; /* Instantiate an array of parse rules */ WikiParser.prototype.instantiateRules = function(classes,type,startPos) { var rulesInfo = [], self = this; $tw.utils.each(classes,function(RuleClass) { // Instantiate the rule var rule = new RuleClass(self); rule.is = {}; rule.is[type] = true; rule.init(self); var matchIndex = rule.findNextMatch(startPos); if(matchIndex !== undefined) { rulesInfo.push({ rule: rule, matchIndex: matchIndex }); } }); return rulesInfo; }; /* Skip any whitespace at the current position. Options are: treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true if newlines are NOT to be treated as whitespace */ WikiParser.prototype.skipWhitespace = function(options) { options = options || {}; var whitespaceRegExp = options.treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace ? /([^\S\n]+)/mg : /(\s+)/mg; whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos; var whitespaceMatch = whitespaceRegExp.exec(this.source); if(whitespaceMatch && whitespaceMatch.index === this.pos) { this.pos = whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex; } }; /* Get the next match out of an array of parse rule instances */ WikiParser.prototype.findNextMatch = function(rules,startPos) { // Find the best matching rule by finding the closest match position var matchingRule, matchingRulePos = this.sourceLength; // Step through each rule for(var t=0; t= this.sourceLength) { break; } // Check if we've arrived at a pragma rule match var nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.pragmaRules,this.pos); // If not, just exit if(!nextMatch || nextMatch.matchIndex !== this.pos) { break; } // Process the pragma rule var subTree = this.parseRule(nextMatch.rule); if(subTree.length > 0) { // Quick hack; we only cope with a single parse tree node being returned, which is true at the moment currentTreeBranch.push.apply(currentTreeBranch,subTree); subTree[0].children = []; currentTreeBranch = subTree[0].children; } } return currentTreeBranch; }; /* Parse a block from the current position terminatorRegExpString: optional regular expression string that identifies the end of plain paragraphs. Must not include capturing parenthesis */ WikiParser.prototype.parseBlock = function(terminatorRegExpString) { var terminatorRegExp = terminatorRegExpString ? new RegExp("(" + terminatorRegExpString + "|\\r?\\n\\r?\\n)","mg") : /(\r?\n\r?\n)/mg; this.skipWhitespace(); if(this.pos >= this.sourceLength) { return []; } // Look for a block rule that applies at the current position var nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.blockRules,this.pos); if(nextMatch && nextMatch.matchIndex === this.pos) { return this.parseRule(nextMatch.rule); } // Treat it as a paragraph if we didn't find a block rule var start = this.pos; var children = this.parseInlineRun(terminatorRegExp); var end = this.pos; return [{type: "element", tag: "p", children: children, start: start, end: end }]; }; /* Parse a series of blocks of text until a terminating regexp is encountered or the end of the text terminatorRegExpString: terminating regular expression */ WikiParser.prototype.parseBlocks = function(terminatorRegExpString) { if(terminatorRegExpString) { return this.parseBlocksTerminated(terminatorRegExpString); } else { return this.parseBlocksUnterminated(); } }; /* Parse a block from the current position to the end of the text */ WikiParser.prototype.parseBlocksUnterminated = function() { var tree = []; while(this.pos < this.sourceLength) { tree.push.apply(tree,this.parseBlock()); } return tree; }; /* Parse blocks of text until a terminating regexp is encountered */ WikiParser.prototype.parseBlocksTerminated = function(terminatorRegExpString) { var terminatorRegExp = new RegExp("(" + terminatorRegExpString + ")","mg"), tree = []; // Skip any whitespace this.skipWhitespace(); // Check if we've got the end marker terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos; var match = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source); // Parse the text into blocks while(this.pos < this.sourceLength && !(match && match.index === this.pos)) { var blocks = this.parseBlock(terminatorRegExpString); tree.push.apply(tree,blocks); // Skip any whitespace this.skipWhitespace(); // Check if we've got the end marker terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos; match = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source); } if(match && match.index === this.pos) { this.pos = match.index + match[0].length; } return tree; }; /* Parse a run of text at the current position terminatorRegExp: a regexp at which to stop the run options: see below Options available: eatTerminator: move the parse position past any encountered terminator (default false) */ WikiParser.prototype.parseInlineRun = function(terminatorRegExp,options) { if(terminatorRegExp) { return this.parseInlineRunTerminated(terminatorRegExp,options); } else { return this.parseInlineRunUnterminated(options); } }; WikiParser.prototype.parseInlineRunUnterminated = function(options) { var tree = []; // Find the next occurrence of an inline rule var nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos); // Loop around the matches until we've reached the end of the text while(this.pos < this.sourceLength && nextMatch) { // Process the text preceding the run rule if(nextMatch.matchIndex > this.pos) { this.pushTextWidget(tree,this.source.substring(this.pos,nextMatch.matchIndex),this.pos,nextMatch.matchIndex); this.pos = nextMatch.matchIndex; } // Process the run rule tree.push.apply(tree,this.parseRule(nextMatch.rule)); // Look for the next run rule nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos); } // Process the remaining text if(this.pos < this.sourceLength) { this.pushTextWidget(tree,this.source.substr(this.pos),this.pos,this.sourceLength); } this.pos = this.sourceLength; return tree; }; WikiParser.prototype.parseInlineRunTerminated = function(terminatorRegExp,options) { options = options || {}; var tree = []; // Find the next occurrence of the terminator terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos; var terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source); // Find the next occurrence of a inlinerule var inlineRuleMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos); // Loop around until we've reached the end of the text while(this.pos < this.sourceLength && (terminatorMatch || inlineRuleMatch)) { // Return if we've found the terminator, and it precedes any inline rule match if(terminatorMatch) { if(!inlineRuleMatch || inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex >= terminatorMatch.index) { if(terminatorMatch.index > this.pos) { this.pushTextWidget(tree,this.source.substring(this.pos,terminatorMatch.index),this.pos,terminatorMatch.index); } this.pos = terminatorMatch.index; if(options.eatTerminator) { this.pos += terminatorMatch[0].length; } return tree; } } // Process any inline rule, along with the text preceding it if(inlineRuleMatch) { // Preceding text if(inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex > this.pos) { this.pushTextWidget(tree,this.source.substring(this.pos,inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex),this.pos,inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex); this.pos = inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex; } // Process the inline rule tree.push.apply(tree,this.parseRule(inlineRuleMatch.rule)); // Look for the next inline rule inlineRuleMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos); // Look for the next terminator match terminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos; terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source); } } // Process the remaining text if(this.pos < this.sourceLength) { this.pushTextWidget(tree,this.source.substr(this.pos),this.pos,this.sourceLength); } this.pos = this.sourceLength; return tree; }; /* Push a text widget onto an array, respecting the configTrimWhiteSpace setting */ WikiParser.prototype.pushTextWidget = function(array,text,start,end) { if(this.configTrimWhiteSpace) { text = $tw.utils.trim(text); } if(text) { array.push({type: "text", text: text, start: start, end: end}); } }; /* Parse zero or more class specifiers `.classname` */ WikiParser.prototype.parseClasses = function() { var classRegExp = /\.([^\s\.]+)/mg, classNames = []; classRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos; var match = classRegExp.exec(this.source); while(match && match.index === this.pos) { this.pos = match.index + match[0].length; classNames.push(match[1]); match = classRegExp.exec(this.source); } return classNames; }; /* Amend the rules used by this instance of the parser type: `only` keeps just the named rules, `except` keeps all but the named rules names: array of rule names */ WikiParser.prototype.amendRules = function(type,names) { names = names || []; // Define the filter function var keepFilter; if(type === "only") { keepFilter = function(name) { return names.indexOf(name) !== -1; }; } else if(type === "except") { keepFilter = function(name) { return names.indexOf(name) === -1; }; } else { return; } // Define a function to process each of our rule arrays var processRuleArray = function(ruleArray) { for(var t=ruleArray.length-1; t>=0; t--) { if(!keepFilter(ruleArray[t].rule.name)) { ruleArray.splice(t,1); } } }; // Process each rule array processRuleArray(this.pragmaRules); processRuleArray(this.blockRules); processRuleArray(this.inlineRules); }; exports["text/vnd.tiddlywiki"] = WikiParser; })();