created: 20150118134611000 modified: 20150118183152000 tags: [[each Operator]] [[Operator Examples]] title: each Operator (Examples) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">> <<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">> <<.operator-example 3 "[each:list-item[list]]" "all tiddlers listed anywhere in the core list field">> <<.operator-example 4 "[[Non existing]] [[GettingStarted]] +[each:value[]]" "Compare this to `+[each[]]` below">> <<.operator-example 5 "[[Non existing]] [[GettingStarted]] +[each[]]" "Compare this to `+[each:value[]]` above">> For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].