/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/multiwikiserver/sql-tiddler-store.js type: application/javascript module-type: library Functions to perform basic tiddler operations with a sqlite3 database \*/ (function() { /* Create a tiddler store. Options include: databasePath - path to the database file (can be ":memory:" to get a temporary database) */ function SqlTiddlerStore(options) { options = options || {}; var databasePath = options.databasePath || ":memory:"; // Create our database this.db = new $tw.sqlite3.Database(databasePath,{verbose: undefined && console.log}); } SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.close = function() { this.db.close(); this.db = undefined; }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.runStatement = function(sql,params) { params = params || {}; const statement = this.db.prepare(sql); statement.run(params); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.runStatementGet = function(sql,params) { params = params || {}; const statement = this.db.prepare(sql); return statement.get(params); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.runStatementGetAll = function(sql,params) { params = params || {}; const statement = this.db.prepare(sql); return statement.all(params); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.runStatements = function(sqlArray) { for(const sql of sqlArray) { this.runStatement(sql); } }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.createTables = function() { this.runStatements([` -- Bags have names and access control settings CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bags ( bag_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, bag_name TEXT UNIQUE, accesscontrol TEXT ) `,` -- Recipes have names... CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS recipes ( recipe_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, recipe_name TEXT UNIQUE ) `,` -- ...and recipes also have an ordered list of bags CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS recipe_bags ( recipe_id INTEGER, bag_id INTEGER, position INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (recipe_id) REFERENCES recipes(recipe_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (bag_id) REFERENCES bags(bag_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE (recipe_id, bag_id) ) `,` -- Tiddlers are contained in bags and have titles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tiddlers ( tiddler_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, bag_id INTEGER, title TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (bag_id) REFERENCES bags(bag_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE (bag_id, title) ) `,` -- Tiddlers also have unordered lists of fields, each of which has a name and associated value CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fields ( tiddler_id INTEGER, field_name TEXT, field_value TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (tiddler_id) REFERENCES tiddlers(tiddler_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE (tiddler_id, field_name) ) `]); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.logTables = function() { var self = this; function sqlLogTable(table) { console.log(`TABLE ${table}:`); let statement = self.db.prepare(`select * from ${table}`); for(const row of statement.all()) { console.log(row); } } const tables = ["recipes","bags","recipe_bags","tiddlers","fields"]; for(const table of tables) { sqlLogTable(table); } }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.createBag = function(bagname) { // Run the queries this.runStatement(` INSERT OR IGNORE INTO bags (bag_name, accesscontrol) VALUES ($bag_name, '') `,{ bag_name: bagname }); this.runStatement(` UPDATE bags SET accesscontrol = $accesscontrol WHERE bag_name = $bag_name `,{ bag_name: bagname, accesscontrol: "[some access control stuff]" }); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.createRecipe = function(recipename,bagnames) { // Run the queries this.runStatement(` -- Create the entry in the recipes table if required INSERT OR IGNORE INTO recipes (recipe_name) VALUES ($recipe_name) `,{ recipe_name: recipename }); this.runStatement(` -- Delete existing recipe_bags entries for this recipe DELETE FROM recipe_bags WHERE recipe_id = (SELECT recipe_id FROM recipes WHERE recipe_name = $recipe_name) `,{ recipe_name: recipename }); this.runStatement(` INSERT INTO recipe_bags (recipe_id, bag_id, position) SELECT r.recipe_id, b.bag_id, j.key as position FROM recipes r JOIN bags b INNER JOIN json_each($bag_names) AS j ON j.value = b.bag_name WHERE r.recipe_name = $recipe_name `,{ recipe_name: recipename, bag_names: JSON.stringify(bagnames) }); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.saveTiddler = function(tiddlerFields,bagname) { // Update the tiddlers table this.runStatement(` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tiddlers (bag_id, title) VALUES ( (SELECT bag_id FROM bags WHERE bag_name = $bag_name), $title ) `,{ title: tiddlerFields.title, bag_name: bagname }); // Update the fields table this.runStatement(` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO fields (tiddler_id, field_name, field_value) SELECT t.tiddler_id, json_each.key AS field_name, json_each.value AS field_value FROM ( SELECT tiddler_id FROM tiddlers WHERE bag_id = ( SELECT bag_id FROM bags WHERE bag_name = $bag_name ) AND title = $title ) AS t JOIN json_each($field_values) AS json_each `,{ title: tiddlerFields.title, bag_name: bagname, field_values: JSON.stringify(Object.assign({},tiddlerFields,{title: undefined})) }); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.saveRecipeTiddler = function(tiddlerFields,recipename) { // Find the topmost bag in the recipe var row = this.runStatementGet(` SELECT b.bag_name FROM bags AS b JOIN ( SELECT rb.bag_id FROM recipe_bags AS rb WHERE rb.recipe_id = ( SELECT recipe_id FROM recipes WHERE recipe_name = $recipe_name ) ORDER BY rb.position DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS selected_bag ON b.bag_id = selected_bag.bag_id `,{ recipe_name: recipename }); // Save the tiddler to the topmost bag this.saveTiddler(tiddlerFields,row.bag_name); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.deleteTiddler = function(title,bagname) { // Run the queries this.runStatement(` DELETE FROM fields WHERE tiddler_id IN ( SELECT t.tiddler_id FROM tiddlers AS t INNER JOIN bags AS b ON t.bag_id = b.bag_id WHERE b.bag_name = $bag_name AND t.title = $title ) `,{ title: title, bag_name: bagname }); this.runStatement(` DELETE FROM tiddlers WHERE bag_id = ( SELECT bag_id FROM bags WHERE bag_name = $bag_name ) AND title = $title `,{ title: title, bag_name: bagname }); }; SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.getTiddler = function(title,recipename) { const rows = this.runStatementGetAll(` SELECT field_name, field_value FROM fields WHERE tiddler_id = ( SELECT tt.tiddler_id FROM ( SELECT bb.bag_id, t.tiddler_id FROM ( SELECT b.bag_id FROM bags AS b INNER JOIN recipe_bags AS rb ON b.bag_id = rb.bag_id INNER JOIN recipes AS r ON rb.recipe_id = r.recipe_id WHERE r.recipe_name = $recipe_name ORDER BY rb.position ) AS bb INNER JOIN tiddlers AS t ON bb.bag_id = t.bag_id WHERE t.title = $title ) AS tt ORDER BY tt.tiddler_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) `,{ title: title, recipe_name: recipename }); if(rows.length === 0) { return null; } else { return rows.reduce((accumulator,value) => { accumulator[value["field_name"]] = value.field_value; return accumulator; },{title: title}); } }; /* Get the titles of the tiddlers in a recipe. Returns an empty array for recipes that do not exist */ SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.getRecipeTiddlers = function(recipename) { const rows = this.runStatementGetAll(` SELECT DISTINCT title FROM tiddlers WHERE bag_id IN ( SELECT bag_id FROM recipe_bags WHERE recipe_id = ( SELECT recipe_id FROM recipes WHERE recipe_name = $recipe_name ) ) ORDER BY title ASC `,{ recipe_name: recipename }); return rows.map(value => value.title); }; /* Get the names of the bags in a recipe. Returns an empty array for recipes that do not exist */ SqlTiddlerStore.prototype.getRecipeBags = function(recipename) { const rows = this.runStatementGetAll(` SELECT bags.bag_name FROM bags JOIN ( SELECT rb.bag_id FROM recipe_bags AS rb JOIN recipes AS r ON rb.recipe_id = r.recipe_id WHERE r.recipe_name = $recipe_name ORDER BY rb.position ) AS bag_priority ON bags.bag_id = bag_priority.bag_id `,{ recipe_name: recipename }); return rows.map(value => value.bag_name); }; exports.SqlTiddlerStore = SqlTiddlerStore; })();