created: 201311242206 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 201308251607 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: howto title: How to build a TiddlyWiki5 from individual tiddlers # Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] ## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`) ## Create a file called `` containing just a pair of braces: `{}` ## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers` ##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo # Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory # Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers: ## `node ./tiddlywiki.js ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`