caption: tm-open-external-window created: 201701211823 modified: 201701211825 tags: Messages title: WidgetMessage: tm-open-external-window type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.1.14">> The `tm-open-external-window` message opens an external link eg: "" in a new //browser// window. If no parameters are specified, it opens the help tiddler. Any additional parameters passed via the <<.param "paramObject">> are being provided as variables to the new window. |!Name |!Description | |param |URL of the tiddler to be opened in a new browser window, defaults to the [[TiddlyWiki help| if empty]] | |paramObject |Optional: Hashmap of variables that will be provided to the window. see below | ''parmObject'' |!Name |!Description|!Important| |windowName|If a parameter is provided it can be used to open different links in the same window eg: `_tiddlywiki`. Default is empty, so every link opens a new window.|The behaviour is influenced by user settings in the browser and the browsers default behavior! | |windowFeatures|This parameter needs to be provided as a single string. eg: `"height=400, width=600"`. For detailed description about possible parameters see: [[Mozilla Help|]] || The `tm-open-external-window` message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the core itself. ''Examples'' <$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html' src='<$button> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-open-external-window" $param="" windowName="_tiddlywiki" windowFeatures="height=500, width=900"/> Open ~TiddlyWiki - Action <$button> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-open-external-window" $param="" windowName="_tiddlywiki" windowFeatures="height=400, width=600"/> Open Mozilla Help - Action <$button message="tm-open-external-window" param="" > Open ~TiddlyWiki - Button '/>