caption: tm-full-screen created: 20140811112400855 modified: 20180814215126941 tags: Messages title: WidgetMessage: tm-full-screen type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The fullscreen message is used to enter, exit or toggle the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it. It uses the following properties on the `event` object: |!Name |!Description | |param |`enter` to enter full screen mode, `exit` to exit it, otherwise toggle the full screen status | The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core. <$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html' src='<$button message="tm-full-screen"> Full screen toggle <$button message="tm-full-screen" param="enter"> Full screen enter <$button message="tm-full-screen" param="exit"> Full screen exit '/>