created: 20140502142900000 modified: 20140502142900000 tags: mechanism dev title: StartupMechanism type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]]. ! Startup Modules Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`: * Must export a `startup` function ** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)` * May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task * May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one * May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one * May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]` ! Startup Processing Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies. There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies. ! Startup Modules The core defines the following startup modules: {{Startup Modules.svg}}