caption: 5.1.0 created: 20140920124011558 modified: 20140920124011558 tags: ReleaseNotes title: Release 5.1.0 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki released: 201409201500 description: First non-beta release //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release. !! Hackability Improvements * [[Removed|]] curly braces from qualified identifiers !! Bug Fixes * [[Fixed|]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata !! Contributors [[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki: * [[@BramChen|]] * [[@malgam|]] * [[@gernert|]] * [[@pmario|]] * [[@xcazin|]]