created: 20150228120919000 modified: 20150228130407000 title: tv-auto-open-on-import Variable tags: Variables [[Core Variables]] [[Configuration Variables]] type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: tv-auto-open-on-import The <<.def tv-auto-open-on-import>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message causes the tiddler [[$:/Import]] (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river. By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, it isn't. An example of setting this variable to <<.value no>> can be found in the upgrade plugin within the [[TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard|]]. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.