caption: 0.0.2 created: 20150419150123810 modified: 20150419154256169 tags: TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes title: TiddlyDesktop Release 0.0.2 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki released: 20140118 {{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub [[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]] This second version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements: *The saving mechanism is now TiddlyFox compatible, so TiddlyWiki5 wikis don't need a special plugin to work with TiddlyDesktop *TiddlyDesktop is now compatible with TiddlyWiki Classic *Chromium Developer Tools now accessible via a pulldown menu *Each TiddlyWiki document is now sandboxed, so it isn't possible for malicious or buggy JavaScript to affect other documents *Linux 32-bit and 64-bit builds