/*\ title: $:/core/modules/startup/windows.js type: application/javascript module-type: startup Setup root widget handlers for the messages concerned with opening external browser windows \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; // Export name and synchronous status exports.name = "windows"; exports.platforms = ["browser"]; exports.after = ["startup"]; exports.synchronous = true; // Global to keep track of open windows (hashmap by title) $tw.windows = {}; // Default template to use for new windows var DEFAULT_WINDOW_TEMPLATE = "$:/core/templates/single.tiddler.window"; exports.startup = function() { // Handle open window message $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-open-window",function(event) { // Get the parameters var refreshHandler, title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle, paramObject = event.paramObject || {}, windowTitle = paramObject.windowTitle || title, windowID = paramObject.windowID || title, template = paramObject.template || DEFAULT_WINDOW_TEMPLATE, width = paramObject.width || "700", height = paramObject.height || "600", top = paramObject.top, left = paramObject.left, variables = $tw.utils.extend({},paramObject,{currentTiddler: title, "tv-window-id": windowID}); // Open the window var srcWindow, srcDocument; // In case that popup blockers deny opening a new window try { srcWindow = window.open("","external-" + windowID,"scrollbars,width=" + width + ",height=" + height + (top ? ",top=" + top : "" ) + (left ? ",left=" + left : "" )), srcDocument = srcWindow.document; } catch(e) { return; } $tw.windows[windowID] = srcWindow; // Check for reopening the same window if(srcWindow.haveInitialisedWindow) { srcWindow.focus(); return; } // Initialise the document srcDocument.write(""); srcDocument.close(); srcDocument.title = windowTitle; srcWindow.addEventListener("beforeunload",function(event) { delete $tw.windows[windowID]; $tw.wiki.removeEventListener("change",refreshHandler); },false); // Set up the styles var styleParser = $tw.wiki.parseTiddler("$:/core/ui/RootStylesheet",{parseAsInline: true}), styleWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeWidget(styleParser,{document: srcDocument}); styleWidgetNode.render(srcDocument.head,null); // Render the text of the tiddler var parser = $tw.wiki.parseTiddler(template), widgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeWidget(parser,{document: srcDocument, parentWidget: $tw.rootWidget, variables: variables}); widgetNode.render(srcDocument.body,srcDocument.body.firstChild); // Function to handle refreshes refreshHandler = function(changes) { styleWidgetNode.refresh(changes); widgetNode.refresh(changes); }; $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",refreshHandler); // Listen for keyboard shortcuts $tw.utils.addEventListeners(srcDocument,[{ name: "keydown", handlerObject: $tw.keyboardManager, handlerMethod: "handleKeydownEvent" }]); srcWindow.document.documentElement.addEventListener("click",$tw.popup,true); srcWindow.haveInitialisedWindow = true; }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-close-window",function(event) { var windowID = event.param, win = $tw.windows[windowID]; if(win) { win.close(); } }); var closeAllWindows = function() { $tw.utils.each($tw.windows,function(win) { win.close(); }); } $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-close-all-windows",closeAllWindows); // Close open windows when unloading main window $tw.addUnloadTask(closeAllWindows); }; })();