created: 20150228102737000 modified: 20150228130415000 title: tv-wikilinks Variable tags: Variables [[Core Variables]] [[Configuration Variables]] type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: tv-wikilinks The <<.def tv-wikilinks>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the behaviour of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget. The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link. You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text: > `\define tv-wikilinks() no` This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the <<.wid link>> widget. <<.variable-examples "tv-wikilinks">>