created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20150124201655000 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]] title: field Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: field purpose: filter the input by field <$macrocall $name=".operator-def" input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]" suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]" suffixName="f" parameter="a possible value of field <<.place f>>" paramName="s" output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place s>>" negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> have the value <<.place s>>" /> If <<.place s>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following: * tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place f>> * tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> exists but has an empty value The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>. <<.operator-examples "field">>