caption: codeblock created: 20151103160200000 modified: 20151103160200000 tags: Widgets title: CodeBlockWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction The ''codeblock'' widget renders text in `
` and `` blocks, causing it to be
displayed monospace. A language may optionally be specified using the
''language'' attribute, however syntax highlighting will only be used if the
[[Highlight Plugin]] is installed.

! Content and Attributes

The content of the `<$codeblock>` widget is ignored.

|!Attribute |!Description|
|code|Contents of the block to render as code|
|language|Programming language for syntax highlighting|

! Examples

Here is an example embedding the contents of a tiddler as a code block.

<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/}} />' />

A codeblock may also specify a language.

<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code="SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted = false" language="sql" />' />