//-- //-- Server adaptor base class //-- function AdaptorBase() { this.host = null; this.store = null; return this; } AdaptorBase.prototype.close = function() { return true; }; AdaptorBase.prototype.fullHostName = function(host) { if(!host) return ''; host = host.trim(); if(!host.match(/:\/\//)) host = 'http://' + host; if(host.substr(host.length-1) == '/') host = host.substr(0,host.length-1); return host; }; AdaptorBase.minHostName = function(host) { return host; }; AdaptorBase.prototype.setContext = function(context,userParams,callback) { if(!context) context = {}; context.userParams = userParams; if(callback) context.callback = callback; context.adaptor = this; if(!context.host) context.host = this.host; context.host = this.fullHostName(context.host); if(!context.workspace) context.workspace = this.workspace; return context; }; // Open the specified host //# host - uri of host (eg, "http://www.tiddlywiki.com/" or "www.tiddlywiki.com") //# context is itself passed on as a parameter to the callback function //# userParams - user settable object object that is passed on unchanged to the callback function //# callback - optional function to be called on completion //# Return value is true if the request was successfully issued, false if this connector doesn't support openHost(), //# or an error description string if there was a problem //# The callback parameters are callback(context) //# context.status - true if OK, string if error //# context.adaptor - reference to this adaptor object //# userParams - parameters as originally passed into the openHost function AdaptorBase.prototype.openHost = function(host,context,userParams,callback) { this.host = host; context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback); context.status = true; if(callback) window.setTimeout(function() {context.callback(context,userParams);},10); return true; }; // Open the specified workspace //# workspace - name of workspace to open //# context - passed on as a parameter to the callback function //# userParams - user settable object object that is passed on unchanged to the callback function //# callback - function to be called on completion //# Return value is true if the request was successfully issued //# or an error description string if there was a problem //# The callback parameters are callback(context,userParams) //# context.status - true if OK, false if error //# context.statusText - error message if there was an error //# context.adaptor - reference to this adaptor object //# userParams - parameters as originally passed into the openWorkspace function AdaptorBase.prototype.openWorkspace = function(workspace,context,userParams,callback) { this.workspace = workspace; context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback); context.status = true; if(callback) window.setTimeout(function() {callback(context,userParams);},10); return true; };