title: Transclude/Macro/Simple description: Transcluding a macro type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple tags: [[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]] title: Output \whitespace trim \define mamacro(one:"red",two:"green") It is $one$ and $two$ or <<__one__>> and <<__two__>>. \end <$macrocall $name="mamacro"/> <$transclude $variable="mamacro"/> <$transclude $variable="mamacro" one="orange"/> <$transclude $variable="mamacro" 0="pink"/> <$transclude $variable="mamacro" one="purple" 1="pink"/> + title: ExpectedResult

It is red and green or red and green.

It is red and green or red and green.

It is orange and green or orange and green.

It is pink and green or pink and green.

It is purple and pink or purple and pink.