title: Open Collective modified: 20221204165636777 created: 20221204165636777 tags: About HelloThere Open Collective is a platform for transparent fundraising and expenses for projects like TiddlyWiki. It is the official TiddlyWiki community fundraising space. https://opencollective.com/tiddlywiki You can make a fixed one-time donation, or setup a recurring contribution. The main goals listed for donations are to cover basic costs for community infrastructure like the Discourse forum, and a new goal for supporting the TiddlyWiki Core. Additionally, the community can make use of the platform for special projects - to pool funds to pay for development, design, or anything else. The [[File Upload Plugin|https://opencollective.com/tiddlywiki/projects/tiddlywiki-file-upload]] is the first of these, and we want to welcome others to launch projects here.