created: 20230803213647552 modified: 20230803214110365 tags: Definitions title: UnaMesa <<< The UnaMesa Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, helps entrepreneurs strengthen communities, improve health, and increase well-being. Located in Palo Alto, CA, we incubate projects such as the Magical Bridge Foundation and ~InPlay that translate technology into better social services and new ways of connecting within and across communities. Our overarching goal is to work with networks of social enterprises to develop shared technologies and frameworks for appropriately valuing interactions and relationships in healthcare, education, social services and related domains that recieve short shrift in today's transaction based marketplace. In our view, the purpose of "impact accounting" should be to drive innovations in health, education, social services by making visible which opportunities and experiences are most meaningful in the lives of individuals and families. <<< [[UnaMesa|]] holds the intellectual property rights in TiddlyWiki for the benefit of the community, ensuring that it always remains available under the present permissive license. It has supported the TiddlyWiki open source project since 2006.